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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

As The NFL Season Begins, The Social Decay In NFL Cities Is Worse Than Ever Profile picture for user Tyler Durden by Tyler Durden

This year America is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the NFL. Every week, millions of us will gather around our televisions to watch extremely well paid young men throw a football around. I love football myself, and I am hoping for a really good season. But while these highly paid teams are playing in some of the most beautiful sports stadiums in the entire world, the cities that they represent are rapidly falling apart all around them. From coast to coast, major U.S. cities are rapidly being transformed into rotting, decaying hellholes, and it is getting worse with each passing year.

Let’s start by looking at Baltimore. On Sunday, the Baltimore Ravens absolutely crushed the Miami Dolphins 59-10, and Lamar Jackson looks poised to have an absolutely fabulous season.

But meanwhile, the city of Baltimore itself is a drug-infested nightmare that could potentially set a new all-time record for homicides in 2019. President Trump recently made national headlines for calling it a “disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess”, and it is being reported that he will actually visit the city on Thursday…



  1. Good point. We spend millions on these stadiums that are used less than 10 games per year, and usually, with no guarantees that the owner won't leave when he wants a new stadium and doesn't get one (i.e. San Diego)

  2. Millions might be watching but not me

  3. All major metropolitan areas, in all Countries, in all times have poverty areas.

    This is a slight of hand to smear the NFL for not falling lockstep with Nationalists that would demand fealty and worship of their flag. Forgetting what freedom and liberty really means.

    The author spuriously forgets that major cities, like this one, also have some of the NICEST areas, wealthiest homes, and are the hub of business and money making. They are where the most people are, so YES a stadium makes sense to be there, the very heart of capitalism at work!

    Take note, the author offered no real suggestions nor solutions to the scourge he so vividly paints. The entire purpose of this article, is to push agendas that have NOTHING to do with the human condition in metropolitan cities.

    It is unequivocally and undeniably self servingly shameful.


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