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Sunday, September 29, 2019

This Is Why Nobody Wants Them


  1. Amen - half come to cause trouble and the other half come to watch - what was Annapolis thinking when they refused to put any real teeth in the proposed special event zone to assist law enforcement regarding this?

  2. Jesus- knucklehead car guys used to at least worship real cars- these crappy little losers probably don't know how to change a spark plug on their rice rockets...

    1. Rice rockets, lmao

    2. That is because unlike the old pieces of junk that Detroit tried to palm off on us years ago new cars don't have to have the plugs changed every year. Most go 100,000 miles now before they are changed.

    3. Any car can go 100,000 miles with today's unleaded fuel

    4. And not need new spark plugs

    5. They will end up needed 50 stupid electronic sensors that are more expense than sparkplugs. I've had a couple Mitsubishi's. The first one blew up.

  3. lol, cant stop us all? wanna bet?

    1. Sure, I bet you couldn’t even stop one of them.

  4. Lol they may not be able to stop it but just like that Corvette that was doing doughnuts in the intersection they will get each one of them from camera footage.

    YOu may not get pulled over right away but you can bet a reckless driving charge will be served in a couple of weeks after.

    1. Facts they can play with PC if they want! Cameras on cameras down there

    2. Constitution states you have the right to face your accuser in a court of law, cameras don't have faces. Dismissed lol

    3. Fake news. The State is your accuser; the video is evidence.

    4. I you receive a traffic violation, oppose it court, cop doesn't appear, dismissed. Been there done that. They need a witness, states attorney represents the state

  5. Like the old codgers don't do the same thing. I saw one idiot upside down at 9AM a year or 3 back up on the sidewalk after bouncing off of a light pole in the medium.

  6. Shifting gears and acting like queers

  7. I retired in Ocean City, and have come to expect that events sponsored by the town will have some impact on year round residents. However, we have had to put up with this more than long enough. To those in law enforcement and our town political leaders, please be very aggressive about this. I realize that this is an 'unsanctioned' event, but enough is enough. I'm sure somebody will get on this site and tell us all how much money is made in Ocean City on this weekend. To that, I call BS. Maybe some of the cheap motels make a few bucks, but the reality is the beer stores, 7-11/wawa, and a few other places make some money, but the reality far outweighs this. The reality is a massive amount of trash all up and down coastal highway, general lawlessness and mayhem, and a bunch of punk kids loving every minute of it, by either doing it themselves or egging on others. Enough is enough!

    1. Apparently you retired in the wrong town pal

    2. So whats the reality of it again... didn't catch the multiple times you said it.

  8. 9:23 - that was a mustang driven by a punk kid/ not some old fart in a hopped up hot rod....get your facts straight

  9. Plenty of those dingalings in OC already today unfortunately.

  10. Police may not be able to stop all of them but cameras will. How about acting like adults instead of a bunch of playground children then no one would have complaints.

  11. You know, that burnout doesn't bother ME, at all. Too bad some people have to look for things to be bothered by.

    1. Me either 10:43, I even like the smell of burning rubber

    2. What about shutting down coastal highway on foot damaging private property creating a dangerous climate for kids who work at the beach just trying to get home ?

  12. Seems that a lot of people forget how they acted when young. I hope they have a great time and don’t get hurt!!!

  13. September 26, 2019 at 9:49 AM:

    Spoken like a true old fart, that either never had any reckless fun in his youth, or is so freaking old he's forgotten it. Go back to bed you old curmudgeon. Roll over and make room for the younger generation.

    1. Not without taking a few of you losers with me

    2. Ohhh really ? Bring it on tough man bun..POS.

  14. well, 1:58 PM, I may indeed be an old fart, but I would rather run over your worthless generation than move over

  15. nothing more than a bunch of immature children that didn't get enough attention from mommy and daddy when young, so they take video of themselves doing stupid things to justify their sad excuses for their lives - ignore them, let the police deal with them and they'll go away once they no longer get a rise out of anyone, or they are just fined silly by the police...

    1. The problem is social media doesn’t ignore it.

  16. They need to go after Trent Moore who hosted/posted this for inciting problems in Ocean City.

  17. Kid will be kids....as long as they get publicity good or bad that is exactly what they want! Keep making a big todo about it and it will get bigger! Ignore it and it will die out.

    1. This is a terror group on drugs that feel the law applies to everyone else but them, the only way to deal with them is to target them for anything they can and fine them into poverty. The city needs a noise ordinance that they can use to heavily fine them just for starting their cars

    2. They are not a terrorist group 11:01, stay away from the cool-aid. It effecting your thinking process.

    3. Look at the videos that’s exactly who they are

  18. In the aftermath, go to YouTube and look at all the videos they made - they are laughing at the locals and promising an even worse 2020

  19. I want them to come, have fun, spend money, and leave. Just like all the other tourists. Don't discriminate.


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