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Wednesday, September 04, 2019

'There were many, many reasons': CNN anchor asks Mattis why he didn't resign earlier

CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour peppered former Secretary of Defense James Mattis with a series of President Trump's more controversial quotes, and asked him to explain why he didn't resign sooner.

"There were many, many reasons potentially for somebody such as yourself to resign. Why not over any of these?” Amanpour asked, after playing a series of video clips.

Mattis, who decided to leave the administration after being unable to convince Trump to not pull American troops out of Syria, said, "Christiane, if you go into the military, you swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. The elected commander-in-chief is the elected commander-in-chief. But if we’re going to protect this democracy, even in its most raucous moments, even when there are fundamental issues going on, you don’t want the Defense Department coming in and saying, 'We’re not going to defend the country today.'”



  1. Poor Mattis couldn't stand working with an idiot anymore. Nothing but respect for Mad Dog.

  2. He works for the defense industry.

  3. The fact that Trump thinks he knows so much more than Mattis, McChrystal, and a litany of other distinguished military officers and Vets should should raise some eye brows with his supporters. Too bad they are too drunk off Budweiser and Kool aid

  4. Since I am a retired U. S. Marine, Gen. Mattis once being one of my heroes has truly disappointed me. He should know that every Marine once given a legal order, may express disagreement, however, in the end, must carry it out. General Mathis has demonstrated that he must have forgotten this very basic Marine Corps leadership requirement, philosophy and creed. Shame on him.

  5. General Mattis of all people, should know that a Marine carries out orders given, (provided they are legal), and above all does not badmouth the person or authority issuing same. He needs to return to a basic training refresher course.

  6. what parallel universe are you living on sir. Mattis has gone well out of his way NOT to directly criticize Trump. Clowns like you would rather make up their own reality than read and listen to what people have to say.

  7. Northwest Woodsman: In my experience as an army officer for 26 years, I found that anyone who is promoted beyond O5 (lieutenant colonel), is nothing but a political hack in the making. Rare for anyone to be promoted to colonel that is not a backbiting politician in uniform. Read a psychological study once that described the personality traits of general officers as self centered, self indulgent and basically sociopaths. They really think they are Gods and that is reinforced by information presented by butt kissers that tell them only things that they want to hear. I’m sure Mattis fits perfectly into this category.

  8. 11:25AM Well said. The traits and behavior you have described are right on. My twenty years in the military provided the opportunity to witness much of the behavior you have described. I just thought Mattis may be an exception. However, I stand corrected and admit to being wrong.


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