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Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Real Deal about Salisbury's Population Growth

Jake keeps bragging that Salisbury is the fastest growing city in Maryland, which is probably true. What he is not telling us is that our population growth rate has been decreasing over the years. Our population growth rate from 2010-2018 is 7.5%; from the years 2000-2010 our population growth was 29%.
The population growth has slowed.

Salisbury, MD

2000 Population - 21,500
2010 Population - 30,343
2018 Population is Approximately - 32,800

Between 2000-2010 we were adding an average of 884 people per year.

Between 2010-2018 we are pacing/adding 307 people per year.

*Since our populations median age is growing younger, we have to assume we are having more babies to add to our population. People are certainly not running here because of our growing economy and high paying jobs. But, who are the people that are moving here?


Wayne King Candidate for Mayor of Salisbury
Read more about Wayne at his website: www.wkformayor.com


  1. A lot are anchor babies of illegals...

  2. Jake Day: ALL GROWTH ISN'T GOOD!!

  3. All of Salisbury is an affordable housing area. It is growing but with renters and now homeowner occupied houses. The fact that Salisbury is overwhelmingly renters is astounding and something for not any official to be proud of. This is something they don't tell because all of the Salisbury officials are dishonest and all lie about everything constantly. I am convinced some don't even know this themselves. Just watch the meetings online. Not one can strike anyone as having an IQ over the imbecile/moron/idiot level.

  4. No kidding, who wants to live in a shit whole... I mean, the city wouldn't have even fixed anything around the city if it wasn't for the folk festival, but mark my words right here and now, once next years folk festival is over, they will stop repairs and upgrades... And you won't see any for another long time...

    1. 8:34 wrong, these repairs and upgrades are the only way for our local politicians to funnel money to their friends in the "Good Ole Boy" network.

  5. Day is not an honest person. Everything he claims is to be suspect. He lies without a hint of shame. Any population growth is because of renters moving into the Sby.

  6. @8:34 I agree with part of your statement but Day is just getting started. Jake Day plans on holding annual events in downtown Salisbury and the 15 million dollar Marina renovation. Good like with your gay pride festival and transexual events. LMFAO

  7. Comparing 10 years of growth to 8 years of growth, is just pulling the wool over your eyes. Did Salisbury add any "population" with annexation during any of those periods? It's apple and oranges. True analysis / comparison requires more statistical extrapolation, and then still would not be "fact," it would just be an estimate of future growth based on past growth. There could be many reasons for a disparity. The simple analysis is just that...simple.

  8. Jake Day is so far up Larry Hogan's ass he could tell you what he ate for dinner last night. Hogan convinced Day to turn Salisbury into an affordable housing suburb of Baltimore and now you're reaping the rewards. In turn Day is getting Hogan's support with his social agendas and keeping salisbury's taxpayers hands tied up in doing something about Day

    1. 9:19-Being located almost 200 miles away it is impossible for Salisbury to be considered a suburb of Baltimore.

    2. They just hop on the bus to ECI to get here.

    3. Salisbury MD is referred to as "little Baltimore" and "smack city" already

  9. In 2000 the census started including university students, hence the huge increase?

  10. When prisoners are released from ECI, they are usually bused here if they have no where to go or their family's stay here while they are in prison.

  11. Our population keeps growing because of all the damn illegals.

  12. Don’t forget that a lot of our new population is the result of ECI. Offenders do their time, their families move here in the meantime, and they set up shop here. This has been documented in the local news media, and I imagine that over time, Has significantly added to our local population numbers. It probably correlates with the increase in crime that our mayor denies.

  13. The increase in population is from big city drug users and manufactures of meth are moving here. We have an inept group of cops, and our governing body is manned by Morons!

  14. @9:19 what you're saying is starting to look obvious. Hogan was quoted as saying maryMary needs more affordable housing and one of the local idiots did a piece on pac14 saying the same thing. I've tried several times to get the state involved in investigating the city of Salisbury and I was told it needed to be resolved at the city level. We all know how far that got me! It will eventually have to come doy to Day doing something to piss Hogan off before he throws day under the bus. My question is when will Culver grow a pair of stones and stand up for the county/city as a whole and put a stop to the endless apartment compo going up?

  15. Jake does not create these facts

  16. September 12, 2019 at 9:24 AM
    Funny you should ask since in that 10 year span SU added 2000 students, meaning an extra 200 students a year.

    Big whoop.

    I also wonder how much was due to annexation? wasn't the morris mill neighborhood annexed into the city?

    What ever it is - it still make Jake dishonest. His claim is Smallsbury is the fastest growing city in MD. Too bad he didnt bother to show you the real numbers in what that statement really meant.

    Rather pitiful award I would say.

  17. Annexation is the answer, PERIOD!! You have to add in Day has his bed partner Salisbury University gathering alot of these bogus statistics he comes up with. The festival and this garbage should tell you everything you need to know about Day and the people that support him

  18. I think that growth number directly correlates with the number of inmate released from ECI. Thank you Baltimore for sending us your best and brightest.

  19. My personal opinion why would you want to screw up such a once beautiful area full of natural resources to enjoy, the beach 30 minutes away and turn it into a thugfest section 8 affordable housing shithole?

  20. The 2020 census for the shore should include questions on weather you are a drug dealer, illegal chicken plant worker, crack whore, or regular criminal.

  21. Have to agree Larry Hogan pulled the wool over Day's eyes and convinced him to do alot of this affordable section 8 bullshit to keep alot of the ECI garbage from coming back across the bay. Sorry folks but we have alot of major drug trafficking going on right here in ghetto-bury and Day has swallowed it hook line and sinker.

  22. 3:58 don't forget Registered Sex Offender!

  23. Per square mile, Wicomico County has more sex offenders than Baltimore.


  25. Got to have dem babies to get dat welfare.

  26. "Between 2010-2018 we are pacing/adding 307 people per year."

    The 307 people that are coming here each year are criminal thugs and their families that are being let out of ECI!

  27. Anonymous said...
    My personal opinion why would you want to screw up such a once beautiful area full of natural resources to enjoy, the beach 30 minutes away and turn it into a thugfest section 8 affordable housing shithole?

    September 12, 2019 at 1:57 PM

    BAAAMMM!! The best comment on the interweb and it's a FACT JACK!

  28. Anonymous said...
    Have to agree Larry Hogan pulled the wool over Day's eyes and convinced him to do alot of this affordable section 8 bullshit to keep alot of the ECI garbage from coming back across the bay. Sorry folks but we have alot of major drug trafficking going on right here in ghetto-bury and Day has swallowed it hook line and sinker.

    September 12, 2019 at 6:06 PM

    Yep, Jake Day likes getting those little $1 million grants here and there from RINO Hogan.

  29. Bob Culver needs to reach down and still see if he has any balls and stop these stupid annexations into Salisbury.

    I have a question. If you own property in the County do you want your property to be annexed into the City Limits of Ghetto'Bury?

  30. Anonymous said...
    Per square mile, Wicomico County has more sex offenders than Baltimore.

    September 12, 2019 at 10:17 PM

    And guess where they all came from. Baltimore!

  31. 30,000 population 30 years ago...

  32. Let's be honest. Say what you want about IRETON. But when he was Mayor. SALISBURY was growing. With many professional woman and men with families. Too bad the shorebillies with their no CLASS all ASS attitude chased them away. IRETON was crazy in some respects. But we were growing.

  33. Quote by Jake Day's Libtard FB Hitman, Liberal Len Foxwell:

    "If you will indulge my personal observation, I would suggest that, rather than engaging in mock outrage that the Comptroller’s Office acted without the blessing of your political cronies, you should be personally embarrassed that we needed to be called in the first place."

    Liberal Len is calling the Liquor Control Board of Directors Executive Culver's "political cronies." What a F'n slap in the face to all of these Commissioners!

  34. ECI.... Notice what the key to Ghetto'Bury's growth is? Many people hit this nail on the head.

  35. Our attention at this point is to hold the company promising to develop the old mall property to their word.Let's not be stupid enough to expect every project to be completed at the same time.First things first.


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