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Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Navy says those UFO videos are real

The U.S. Navy has confirmed that three online videos purportedly showing UFOs are genuine. The Navy says the videos, taken by Navy pilots, show “unexplained aerial phenomena” but also states that the clips should have never been released to the public in the first place.

The three videos in question are titled "FLIR1," "Gimbal" and "GoFast." They show two separate encounters between Navy aircraft and UFOs.

One video was taken in 2015 off the East Coast by a F/A-18F fighter jet using the aircraft's onboard Raytheon AN/ASQ-228 Advanced Targeting Forward-Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) Pod. The other clip, also recorded with a Super Hornet ATFLIR pod, was taken off the coast of California in 2004 by pilots flying from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz. In the videos, air crews loudly debate what the objects are and where they came from.



  1. Not aliens. Wizards. More likely, Death Eaters. Harry Potter was right.

  2. Did GOD create aliens? NO! So all this ET crap is demonic deception.its all a lie to pull us further from the truth. I know it pains a lot of people to ponder the idea that we are all alone in this universe God-created it he created us in his image and that's the end of the story

  3. It's all a natural phenomena of light reflection

  4. True is right and those Alien beings are all over the country now teaching Gay stuff, Liberalism, Socialism, and reparations!

  5. It's all a natural phenomena of light reflection

  6. This topic always gets negativity from commenters.Thank you for posting it.

  7. I believe that there are aliens. I believe that a lot of people in the higher government positions, Congress, Senate and so forth have been abducted and returned to earth. I also believe that in some abduction cases, the aliens forgot to remove the anal probes as well!
    At the lower level of political levels, what other excuse could Jake Day have?

  8. No one knows for sure. God created US and we have taken short camping trips off the Terra Firma locally. The Earth was once flat in the common mind. We are alien to our own communities and neighbors now and are too well prepared to shoot them than get to know them. God forbid there are aliens advanced aliens looking for intelligent life here.

  9. Well we were a biologically evolutionary implanted time release culture.Only exploitive beliefs and religions hold us captive.

  10. It's the new DemocRATs

  11. Deny GODS perfection all you want but it cant be denied his poeer is amazing, but aliens? Well demons can manifest themselves, so if there are any sightings or encounters..who are you going to believe GOD or satans deceptions and lies

    If you Yawn your lost to the dark side already

  12. Religion does not holds us captive.. its your free will to deny him at your own peril..dont you see what HE has created for Us?? Big bangs or evolution or whatever are just more lies and deception from the truth and light of his words

  13. Relax simple little earthlings.You will know,what we want you to know,when we want you to know.

  14. The population has no right to know what the military is doing

  15. I agree 11:35 !! Spot On !!


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