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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Disturbing Cult Of Greta Thunberg

The Cult of Greta Thunberg is an extremely disturbing one, and one which marks a new low in the drain-circling that Western civilisation seems bent on. Even if I happened to believe that the naturally occurring gas that each of us breathes out many thousands of times per day, and which plants use for photosynthesis, is going to end up being the death of us, I would still be profoundly disturbed by the use of this girl - who is very clearly mentally unstable - as the poster-child for the agenda.

This video of her speaking at the UN is a case in point, as is her statement to the Davos crowd earlier this year, in which she decided to spread her own brand of hopeless misery to all:

“Adults keep saying we owe it to the young people, to give them hope. But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. I want you to act. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if the house is on fire, because it is.”
Causes which are backed up by incontrovertible facts do not need the aid of slightly unnerving and emotive teenage girls to lead the charge. On the contrary, slightly unnerving and emotive teenage girls might be thought by a rational society to be somewhat of a hindrance to the facts, since they are likely to detract from them and move the issues from the realm of reason and rational discourse to emotion and feelings.



  1. I don’t take advice from hysterical teenage girls.

  2. She’s a 16 year old teenager with aspergers syndrom and your going to try and twist this into some stupid conspiracy theory and call her insulting names. I wish adults could become passionate about a worthy cause like saving this planet instead of pursuing our own greed. Shame on you!

  3. 9:30
    Shes been indoctrinated. That is the sad part. You didn't seem to mind a 16 yr old wearing a MAGA hat being lied about by the media. Sorry you can't have it both ways. She put her self into the public view.....unlike the the boy wearing the MAGA hat. I guess her parents should have warned her what could happen.

  4. 930 have you seen the pics of her wacko left nutjob parents? all of them wearing antifa shirts? the only thing wrong with this kid is her upbringing my marxist socialist parents. she can rant and rave all she wants the powers that be don't listen to the voters so why does she think they will listen to her!
    last thing I need to hear is some socialist twit crying! life's hard, sometimes it downright sucks but it's still better then the alternative. I've been to sweden not much there, price of alcohol is through the roof cause they were/are all drunks! they can go back to rapeland and stay......please!

  5. 9:30

    Global warming and the prescribed cure of socialism is NOT a worthy cause.
    It is designed to place the masses of this world under totalitarian government control.

  6. 9:30 PM; from the above comments it would seem your position is toast. Sorry, but I do not agree with you either. This kid was hysterical to the point her left eye seemed about to do something bad. She appeared hideous to the point it was not pleasant to watch. It was a rant not a passionate plea.

  7. Yeah, forty years ago we had impending doom from an imminent ice age occurring by the year two thousand and a planet killing hole in the ozone layer that has since healed itself


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