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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The crisis in the Border Patrol isn't a mystery, and Democrats are to blame

A very long New York Times article published on Sunday explores the state of the Border Patrol, which the paper describes as being in a “morale crisis.”

“The Border Patrol, whose agents have gone from having one of the most obscure jobs in law enforcement to one of the most hated,” read the report, “is suffering a crisis in both mission and morale.”

Wow, that sounds awful. What could possibly be the problem? I bet the Times is eager to get to the bottom of it.

“Some agents blamed migrant parents for bringing their children into the mess,” the Times explained. “Their anger began building under President Barack Obama.” That’s as close as the four authors of the story get to answering who is responsible for the depressing cloud cast over an entire government law enforcement agency. You have to read nearly 40 paragraphs in before you get to the obvious truth. It comes in the form of a quote by an anonymous agent who’s been with Border Patrol for 10 years.


1 comment:

  1. Democrats want the illegals for their illegal votes. Ridiculous...


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