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Sunday, September 15, 2019

The 79th National Folk Festival in Salisbury, Maryland: By the Numbers


  1. Ok, but what did it “cost”??

  2. So, somehow, Salisbury got more attendees at the Folk Festival, than when it was hosted in Greensboro NC? Greensboro, part of the Piedmont Triad with a local population of 1.6 million?

    What comes out from the back end of a bull, again? Jake's serving it up hot & fresh!

  3. Amazing, boy wonder can provide all of these specific numbers. And confirm that the city receives $0 back in revenue from the event (all the money goes to the National Council for the Traditional Arts). Yet, can't provide any kind of estimate as to how much this even costs the city!

    You're being fleeced Salisbury! Paying for an organization to have it's event at your expense!

  4. I'm calling this BS.

  5. I am not sure the crowd figure is correct.
    If someone went in early afternoon and left and then came back in the evening on Sat and Sun
    does that count as one person or four. I did not go Friday because of weather but I do not think
    there were 150,000 people. Maybe if you count each time a person went down town you would have 150,000 visits but not visitors when numerous people went and came back on multiple days.

    1. Ok so based on these numbers, Saturday had about 75,000 people. That’s Ravens stadium to capacity. The civic center lot would have included WiHi, Twilley Center, Old Mall, filled to the brim and traffic snarled for hours. So basically the entire town of Salisbury went to the festival on Saturday......right.
      Oh yeah what were the expenses Jake?

    2. It is not the entire town of Salisbury. It's more than the population of Wicomico and Somerset counties combined.

  6. Jake Day is the best damn magician I've ever seen!! This S.O.B has pulled 100,000 people right out of his ass?!

  7. So with 150,000 people and with the numbers provided here is what we get:
    gross sales: 218,000 average per attendee $1.40
    bucket donations: $40,000. average per attendee $0.30
    merch sales $37,000. average per attendee $0.25.
    There were either some piss poor or cheap people attending this thing or the attendance number is way way overblown.

    1. Lol, “Men Lie, Women Lie, numbers don’t” Shawn Carter

  8. I think Jerk Day counted all the people in cars that were backed up on Route 13 and surrounding streets. That's probably the answer.

  9. yea I'm sure they miscalculated the numbers again like they did last time by using phone pings showing people visited multiple locations skewing the numbers profusely

  10. Personally I don't care one way or the other about the folk Festival but there's no way there qas over 150,000 people in Salisbury and $218,+++ in sales doesn't add up

  11. Each person who came in was times by 1,000

    Jake was never good with real numbers

  12. Jake Day is lying again.

  13. Funny how Jake Day can come up with these numbers in less than a week after the last day of the Foke Festivus but it can't give the numbers to Wayne King via a FOIA request in a timely manner. WTH!!

  14. This needs an independent contractor to be brought in and see what the real attendance was. Not fake day, or his buddies.
    Lets get the truth. Not the promoters estimates. There are people that do crowd estimates for a living.
    Would be something for "Wayne King" to do...hire someone to do a scientific attendance, to prove Jake Day the liar he is.

  15. Great job Salisbury... if my math is correct, using their numbers, it breaks down like this:
    Average Donation Per Attendee - .27 cents
    Average Merchandise Purchase Per Attendee - .24 Cents
    Average Food Purchase Per Attendee - $1.43
    Average Water Consumption Per Attendee .004 or 1.24 Tablespoons

    The sad thing is, it was a well attended event so why not give truthful numbers. Additional if the event was such a huge success why not disclose the actual profit/loss to the City.
    Keep in mind the City does not produce anything, the money they have comes from the taxpayers. Taxpayers have a right to know if the 40K that was panhandled and the donations from the local business covered the cost of this event.

  16. Okay people,

    WIFI meshing (or geolocation) was used to count up the attendance.
    {Geolocation pinpoints a phone’s position by calculating the signal strength of cell towers, and by sending radio signals to the Global Positioning System (GPS). As long as there’s enough information for your phone to calculate a location, this approach can be extremely precise.

    I spoke to Jake about this personally at the FOP meeting. He said the company that counted the people or phones was only counting one phone and can't count them again. The numbers are unique numbers ( and can only count each person once). He said the company was there counting 30 days before the festival, meaning that if you entered the city once in the past 30 days leading up to the festival you were counted AND then not used in the total for the festival. He told me the real total was 207,000 people!!! Think about it. Wicomico County has a total population of 103,000. The entire Eastern Shore's population is 450,000 people. So think about it, 1/3 of the total population of the Eastern Shore attended the festival. Of course, Jake will say thousands of people came from outside the Eastern Shore. People from Alaska, Hawaii, and every other state in the union. He agreed with me when I said only 4-5K attended the first night, and he agreed with me that at the festival's peak there was about 25,000 people there.

    The biggest Festival in the USA is in Bethlehem, PA. They draw 1.2 million people and their festival is ELEVEN Days long; with some major acts/bands. They generate about 60 million dollars for their community. AND, they have been doing the festival for decades. They know their numbers.

    Those are the facts. Now you decide if Jake is telling the truth.

    Wayne King
    Candidate for Mayor of Salisbury

  17. Hmm I was there all 3 days and dispute those #’s. Half that at best. Cost a million made 350,000+ another 50 in sales and hotel tax net loss 600,000. But I had a good time

  18. Saturday was busy but no where close to these estimates.

  19. Quote by Jake Day's Libtard FB Hitman, Liberal Len Foxwell:

    "If you will indulge my personal observation, I would suggest that, rather than engaging in mock outrage that the Comptroller’s Office acted without the blessing of your political cronies, you should be personally embarrassed that we needed to be called in the first place."

    Liberal Len is calling the Liquor Control Board of Directors Executive Culver's "political cronies." What a F'n slap in the face to all of these Commissioners!

  20. I have a issue with the whole thing from a business stand point. This festival relocates the local farmers market from the area they normally set up on and puts them out of contact with any customers. Mean while they set up anybody from out of town that's a vendor for this event. This definitely does not help the local farmers that depend on this market for income. I hope that hopeful Mayor King realizes this when he sits In office and organizes these types of events.

  21. Can someone name all "the great things" Jake Day does for Salisbury?? I keep reading all these "I love Jake" comments about all the great things he does for the City of Salisbury, but no one seems to mention any of the great things he does?? The Salisbury Festival: FAILED
    The Salisbury Police Department: FAILED
    The Salisbury Fire Department: FAILED
    Salisbury Code Compliance: FAILED
    Downtown Salisbury: FAILED
    Waverly Drive: FAILED
    Square at Merritt Mill Apartments: FAILED
    Coventry Square Apartments: FAILED
    Out of control Annexations: FAILED

    Again, can someone please name all the great things Jake Day has done for Salisbury? And feel free to add to this "Failed" list.

  22. There were more people at Delmarva Bike Week at the Delmarva Shorebirds stadium then the National Folk Festival had in Salisbury for the past two years combined.

  23. From Jake Day's FB page. Looks like he is fanning the flames of hatred towards the County Executive and Wicomico County.

    Ryan Miner
    8 hrs ·
    Thanks again to Salisbury Mayor Jacob Day and Comptroller Franchot’s chief of staff, Len Foxwell, for joining A Miner Detail Podcast yesterday evening to discuss the National Folk Festival.

    Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and Len Foxwell talk National Folk Festival
    Liked by: Jackie Welfonder, Karen Hughes Wells, Dan O'Hare, Suzanne Evans, Rylie Elizabeth Shewbridge, Jacob Day


    Jacob Day said... It was an honor to join you two! Always fun. Call on me anytime!

    Len Foxwell said... Always a pleasure to join The Detail and to catch up with my friend, Jacob Day. Stay on this story, Ryan Miner - much left to answer.

    Ryan Miner
    19 hrs ·
    Tonight will be one of the most important shows in the history of the podcast.

    Join Jacob Day and Len Foxwell to discuss the National Folk Festival, the infamous Bob Culver letter and what’s going on in Salisbury.

    Listen in, live at 9 tonight.

    Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and Len Foxwell talk National Folk Festival - and more
    Liked by: Jacob Day, Travis Sterling, Suzanne Evans, Heinz Weverink, Clayton A Mitchell Sr, Kevin Atticks, David Layfield


    Len Foxwell said... Ryan Miner: Thank you so much for shedding additional light on what happened in those days leading up to the Folk Festival. Tonight is going to be one of those shows that gets rehashed for years to come.
    Liked by: Jacob Day, Clayton Mitchell, Sr

    Valerie Melvin Mann said... Great show! Right on point.
    Liked by: Jacob Day

    Karen Hughes Wells said... It was an awesome show. A real shame Mr. Culver wasn’t available.
    Liked by: Jacob Day, Patrick Donoho

  24. From Jake Day's FB page. Looks like he is fanning the flames of hatred towards the County Executive and Wicomico County.

    Ryan Miner
    8 hrs ·
    Thanks again to Salisbury Mayor Jacob Day and Comptroller Franchot’s chief of staff, Len Foxwell, for joining A Miner Detail Podcast yesterday evening to discuss the National Folk Festival.

    Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and Len Foxwell talk National Folk Festival
    Liked by: Jackie Welfonder, Karen Hughes Wells, Dan O'Hare, Suzanne Evans, Rylie Elizabeth Shewbridge, Jacob Day


    Jacob Day said... It was an honor to join you two! Always fun. Call on me anytime!

    Len Foxwell said... Always a pleasure to join The Detail and to catch up with my friend, Jacob Day. Stay on this story, Ryan Miner - much left to answer.

    Ryan Miner
    19 hrs ·
    Tonight will be one of the most important shows in the history of the podcast.

    Join Jacob Day and Len Foxwell to discuss the National Folk Festival, the infamous Bob Culver letter and what’s going on in Salisbury.

    Listen in, live at 9 tonight.

    Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and Len Foxwell talk National Folk Festival - and more
    Liked by: Jacob Day, Travis Sterling, Suzanne Evans, Heinz Weverink, Clayton A Mitchell Sr, Kevin Atticks, David Layfield


    Len Foxwell said... Ryan Miner: Thank you so much for shedding additional light on what happened in those days leading up to the Folk Festival. Tonight is going to be one of those shows that gets rehashed for years to come.
    Liked by: Jacob Day, Clayton Mitchell, Sr

    Valerie Melvin Mann said... Great show! Right on point.
    Liked by: Jacob Day

    Karen Hughes Wells said... It was an awesome show. A real shame Mr. Culver wasn’t available.
    Liked by: Jacob Day, Patrick Donoho


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