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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Successful Retirees ‘No Longer Welcomed’: ‘We Didn’t Leave Connecticut … Connecticut Left Us’

A couple who lived their lives and raised their family in Connecticut tell how the political class has destroyed the New England state they once called home but is now “no more.”

Gary and Michelle Vallo, formerly of Glastonbury, write in an op-ed at the Hartford Courant they have packed up their “lifetime of belongings” and left the state they loved.

“It was sad to leave a state we had called home our entire lives,” they say. “But the Connecticut we once knew — the vibrant economy and the rational oasis between New York and Massachusetts — is no more.”

“[W]e didn’t leave Connecticut so much as Connecticut left us,” the couple assert.

Gary Vallo, formerly CEO of an insurance company, and his wife Michelle, a homemaker and former employee in the insurance industry, are now retired. They explain they have both worked to build successful careers and raised children who are well-educated and successful as well.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: Best to escape while you can. It appears that the combination of political ignorance plus rampant voter fraud will continue to keep Marxist democrats in office. Promise yourselves never to vote for a Marxist democrat again and things will begin to change for the better.

  2. CT is going the way of CA and IL, taxing themselves into failure, letting Liberal ideology run rampant over common sense. When state leaders look at a state where huge mistakes are made then make the same ones, what kind of leadership is that?

    1. And Berlin MD is right behind them, people will leave because of outrageous town taxes

  3. i call bs! they lived there all their lives and voted for these morons! and now they want out! please stay there. tired of all you fools from liberal states moving to rural states and repeating the same bad voting patterns. have you learned nothing? Sounds like you would do well in chicago or baltimore! Detroit?


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