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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sorry Dems: Treaty Signed by Bill Clinton Provides Trump Solid Ground to Request Assistance from Zelensky on 2016 Election or Biden Crime Family

In 1999 Bill Clinton signed a treaty with Ukraine signed by the Democrat president on mutual legal assistance on criminal matters.

The treaty establishes a range of cooperation between the two governments about making testimony available, about making people available.

So there is a firm legal underpinning to the request made by President Trump to Ukrainian President Zelensky on the 2016 election was completely legal and appropriate.



  1. Exactly, I don’t know if Trump set up Democrats to look like fools again or if the DNC did this to get rid of Biden

  2. Dems too dumb to remember how good the President's law advisers are, or that he actually does his homework .

  3. Democrats can't read and have treaties and Bills that do not apply to them.


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