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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

SolarCity Panels Spontaneously Ignite On Colorado Residential Rooftop

We've already documented how Walmart is suing Tesla for solar panels that allegedly caught fire on the roofs of not one, not two - but seven different Walmart stores. We also documented how Amazon followed suit with complaints about its solar panels spontaneously igniting. In early September, we posted a podcast with a solar panel expert who explained exactly how SolarCity's panels work and what he believes is making them defective.

And last month we noted several homeowners who reported horror stories about their residential solar panels catching fire.

Now, it looks as though another example of a residential solar panel horror story has surfaced. A woman in Louisville, Colorado is warning people about Solar City panels after hers caught fire on her roof while she wasn't home, according to Fox 31 Denver.

The homeowner, Briana Greer, was out of town in August when the fire started on her rooftop solar panels. Neighbors had to help put the fire out, but not before it damaged three solar panels and her roof, pictured above. She had been leasing the panels from SolarCity for about two years. 



  1. Well in my honest opinion anyone stupid enough to mount solar polar on their roof deserves whatever comes their way. Mount them beside your home and run it to the home. What happens when/if your roof needs replacing?

    1. It’s magic. Just buy some NOW

  2. So that's gonna raise the carbon foorprint when you factor in the carbon released from the burned down house.

  3. You people are morons, the solar panels produce heat, on-top of the heat generated by the summer months with the sum and humidity... The solar panels intensifies the heat on your roof under the panel, though you morons would think it shades the roof and helps cool or protect it... Wrong!!!!!


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