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Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Snowflake University faculty wants Chick-fil-A banned from campus for fears of 'safety,' 'mental well being'

A few Kansas University faculty members are not fans of allowing Chick-fil-A to be served on campus because they believe the chain violates "safety and inclusion".

The faculty council, filled with "extreme frustration," wants America's favorite restaurant removed from campus for being a "bastion of bigotry" after KU administrators relocated a Chick-fil-A from a basement to "prime real estate" on campus to the Memorial Union. But worse yet, to the council, is the "Chick-fil-A Coin Toss" at the start of the Jayhawks' football home games.

“The culture of Chick-fil-A fosters hate and discrimination on multiple levels,” the Sexuality & Gender Diversity Faculty and Staff Council wrote in a two-page letter, accusing university leaders of being "more concerned about money and corporate sponsorship than the physical, emotional, and mental well being of marginalized and LGBTQ people."

More tolerance here



  1. It's a sad time when holding to a moral and ethical standard is a threat to safety. Perhaps the dish really did run away with the spoon. Nutso

  2. It seems Kansas University needs to replace and upgrade a few of their faculty staff.

  3. Parents,alumni and students with a brain,you don't have to put up with this crap.

  4. So how does this compare to say, the soldiers who had to storm the beaches on D-Day? They had to wade ashore under hellish fire from actual Nazi's. Not the make believe Nazi's of today. They had to overcome their fears or die trying. They had no safe spaces to retreat to.

  5. So the 2 or 3 percent wackos can decide what the other 97 or 98 percent can do? So how does this fit with their so called love for diversity for all?


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