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Sunday, September 08, 2019

Slavery: What They Didn't Teach in My High School

A man I have known since grade school changed his name, years ago, to an Arabic one. He told me he rejected Christianity as “the white man’s religion that justified slavery.” He argued Africans taken out of that continent were owed reparations. “From whom?” I asked.

Arab slavers took more Africans out of Africa and transported them to the Middle East and to South America than European slavers took out of Africa and brought to North America. Arab slavers began taking slaves out of Africa beginning in the ninth century — centuries before the European slave trade — and continued well after.

In Prisons & Slavery, John Dewar Gleissner writes: “The Arabs’ treatment of black Africans can aptly be termed an African Holocaust. Arabs killed more Africans in transit, especially when crossing the Sahara Desert, than Europeans and Americans, and over more centuries, both before and after the years of the Atlantic slave trade. Arab Muslims began extracting millions of black African slaves centuries before Christian nations did. Arab slave traders removed slaves from Africa for about 13 centuries, compared to three centuries of the Atlantic slave trade. African slaves transported by Arabs across the Sahara Desert died more often than slaves making the Middle Passage to the New World by ship. Slaves invariably died within five years if they worked in the Ottoman Empire’s Sahara salt mines.”

My name-changing friend did not know that slavery occurred on every continent except Antarctica. Europeans enslaved other Europeans. Asians enslaved Asians. Africans enslaved other Africans. Arabs enslaved other Arabs. Native Americans even enslaved other Native Americans.

He accused me of “relying on white historians” who, he insisted, had a “vested interest to lie.”

What about Thomas Sowell, the brilliant economist/historian/philosopher who happens to be black? Sowell writes: “Of all the tragic facts about the history of slavery, the most astonishing to an American today is that, although slavery was a worldwide institution for thousands of years, nowhere in the world was slavery a controversial issue prior to the 18th century.

"People of every race and color were enslaved — and enslaved others. White people were still being bought and sold as slaves in the Ottoman Empire, decades after American blacks were freed.”

Sowell also wrote this:


  1. The us only had it for 80 years. The rest of the world had it for thousands.

  2. "European Slavers" . . . aka Jewish Merchants.

    Thank you

    1. 9:31- Who are you thanking and why!?

  3. WHY they don't teach how there own people took the weakest and sold them to the Muslims who sold them to the English who then brought them to America is beyond me because it's the TRUTH.

    1. 10:10- Are you really trying to school us with your comments that surmise the post that we all just now read!? So, you're THAT GUY! Also, it wasn't just the weakest people who were enslaved. I don't know where you got that!
      We can all read. We don't need your errored version of Cliff Notes.

    2. They sure wouldn't sell there strongest ? Lol

    3. 11:20-
      Why not? What's so funny?

    4. 230 you really think A Tribe chief would sell his best men and woman ? And leave there tribe without protection ? They sold the ones they DIDN'T WANT or the trouble makers ) PERIOD AND A FACT.

  4. Let's not forget that when we set up Liberia, the returning ex-slaves then enslaved the local tribes and set themselves up as slave owners.

  5. Don't forget that Blacks where slave owners too.

  6. England brought slaves to America, America the country ended it

  7. Also they do not teach in schools the first slaves to the would be American before African slaves. These slaves were children taken off the streets of England and Ireland. The church and British government thought it was best for the children. Some were orphaned, some were just stolen, some were given by parents so poor they couldn't care for them.the ages ranged from 8yrs to 15 yrs. Many died working the fields. Look it up this is true. All forms of slavery are unacceptable but times were different then we don't look fondly on this today.

  8. Thank you for posting this information. And thank you for stressing that America ended it. I am not so stupid as to know that slavery exists in many ways but the slavery to which you are referring was recognized as wrong and ended in the United States of America. AMERICA ENDED THE INSTITUTION OF SLAVERY.

  9. And it would be really nice if our public schools taught this.


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