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Monday, September 30, 2019

Senators introduce bill to give death benefits to ROTC members in memory of Lt. Richard Collins

A bill being proposed in the senate would give death benefits to ROTC members.

Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen Thursday introduced new legislation to honor the sacrifices and commitment to service of Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Graduates who die between commissioning and their first assignment.

The Second Lieutenant Richard W. Collins III Memorial Act is dedicated to Richard Collins III, an ROTC student at Bowie State University who had been commissioned into the U.S. Army, but then stabbed to death days before he reported to his first Army assignment.


1 comment:

  1. Northwest Woodsman: This is ridiculous. How many ROTC graduates are killed in the usually short span of time between when they are commissioned after graduation and report for duty. There must be an ulterior motive for this legislation.


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