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Sunday, September 01, 2019

School Fails Christian Girl For Not Saying Islamic Prayer, She Fights Back

When a Maryland school required students to affirm the Islamic prayer declaring Allah is the only god, a Christian girl was given a zero for the course because she refused to violate her faith. However, instead of taking her failing grade, she decided to fight back.

When Caleigh Wood was a junior, her teacher at La Plata High School handed out an assignment concerning the tenets of Islam. Wood read the curriculum only to discover that much of it contained intellectually dishonest information. However, the final straw came when the young woman saw what the school was forcing students to declare.

According to WND, the World History course not only biasedly taught that Muslims have more faith than Christians but also required students to profess in writing that Allah is the one true god. The curriculum made multiple implications that could have been straight out of an imam’s sermon.




    1. 11:56- Real intelligent insight, Gomer. I bet you were excited while typing the same comment for the hundredth time! It's become beyond sad.

    2. You mean like my fellow travelers keep cheering

    3. 9:00- Doesn't make the statement true. Whoever thinks that succession is possible are clueless idiots. The opposing side has no ability to take on the whole US government. We are not your fellow travelers, Jim Jones!

  2. Even 50 years ago the courts and police would have come after you with machine guns and tear gas for doing the same thing, if a school teacher forced the kids to affirm Jesus as Lord.

    Don't be surprised, though, if the ACLU sided with the student.

  3. What happened to separation of church n state ?


  5. F ISLAM it's a disease.

  6. civil war is coming people , 11:56 is right , did it scare you 12:36? sorry you ignorant liberal.

    1. 2:04-Card carrying Republican. You want a war. How moronic is that? To think it's gonna happen is even dumber.
      4:53- See your "100" many times. You should ask yourself, "Am I too stupid to write out an actual comment."

  7. They are taking everything Christian out of schools and now they are inserting Islam. They scream separation of church and state when it comes to Christianity but not Islam. This is total BS.

  8. No one has the right to make anyone declare who their deity should be.Somehow there must be a law against that.

  9. There is no compulsion in Islam. Allah does not need followers. Whoever did this did not act on behalf of Muslims and I almost doubt this is the story's reality. That said, if the lesson is on Islam and a question was asked about what Muslims declare then writing that down is not the same as being forced to say it with conviction. One is a statement of fact that it is what a Muslim declares in a scholastic sense. I am Muslim and if I am in a course that involves Christianity and am asked what do Christians believe and I state that they believe Jesus is lord that is a matter of scholastic fact but it does not mean I believe it or say it in the sense I am of that faith.

    1. @5:03. I agree with latter part of your statement but you're very first sentence is a bold-faced lie. But because of your belief in taqiyya you are allowed to do that. But also because of that, Christians should not believe muslims.

  10. Joe
    I have got this story going up on a live youtube chan called PATRIOT SOAPBOX.

  11. There will be no Civil War. People are too chicken shit too take a real stand and not pay taxes that disagree with their beliefs. Everyone has an opinion and cannot wait to fire the first shot in a Rebellion yet they pay their taxes. Who is going to come for you if you don't ? LOL the Feds the Deep State the FBI CIA or National Guard. You people live in a heavily armed shut in fantasy . Put your money where your mouth is. Your POTUS does. Invest wisely offshore.

  12. lawyer up, have your day in court. Law suit if necessary!


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