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Friday, September 06, 2019

Record 157,878,000 Employed in August; Record Low Unemployment Rate for Blacks

(CNSNews.com) - The number of people employed in the United States hit a record 157,878,000 in August, the 21st record set under President Donald Trump, according to the employment report released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That's an increase of 590,000 from the record 157,228,000 employed in July.

The unemployment rate held steady at 3.7 percent. For blacks, the unemployment rate dropped to a record low of 5.5 percent last month. And for Hispanics, the unemployment rate was 4.2 percent in August, which ties the record low set earlier this year.



  1. Yes, but the majority of the blacks are too stupid to vote to reelect Pres. Trump. They have been indoctrinated with years of anti-Republican lies and fake news stories!

    1. Don't underestimate them brother.

    2. Not anymore snowflake we’ve left your Democrat plantation

  2. 10:47 - Lets not go with stupid - its just wrong. Thats something democrats would say. You are right about the indoctination. But the democrats are indoctrinating everyone through the education system. I have done a good job keeping my kids balanced and they are smart. But the educational system warps their minds. I take the time to get them to understand things and sometimes they still disagree, but I am giving them the tools to make good independent decisions and they eventually will. Not all kids/adults have someone trying to teach them to think independently. The democrats sure as hell do want people thinking independently.

  3. Yea especially since they all vote the same way.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Will the recipients of this news be smart enough to translate this news into voting for the man solely responsible for their good fortune? Probably not.


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