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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pictures Don't LIE But Salisbury Mayor Jake Day Does

Folk Festival - Saturday evening 9/7/19

Your local media wants you to believe this was a record event for Salisbury. Hey, who knows, maybe they're telling the truth compared to last year. Nevertheless, don't buy the BS the event was such a great success. I read this morning they raised an ESTIMATED $40,000.00 in the bucket brigade. What's wrong with these Liberals, they can't add?


  1. The National Folk Festival was a huge success and one of the best events ever to happen in Salisbury.

  2. Salisbury residents have been "folked" once again!!

  3. Honestly, I don't understand all the hate for this event. It really is a nice thing for Salisbury to have such an event. It's like people want it to fail. Makes no sense... celebrating and wanting to make it look like failure.

    I want last year, I saw decent crowds. I didn't go this year, but it was a nicer weekend and from what I read it had more attendance this year.

    It's akin to people hoping and wishing the Trump fails. I don't get it.

    $40,000 doesn't seem like such a stretch. If 120,000 people attended all weekend, that's one in three people putting a dollar in a bucket. Really, that's not the issue.

    Why all the celebration and hope and wishing for something that could be great for this area to fail? I just don't get it.

    1. Any group events, that the city plans, are doomed to fail.
      Do you remember a thing called the Salisbury Festival?
      It was run for years and was good fun, THAN THE THUGS MOVED IN AND RUINED IT.

    2. I don’t understand it either. Well, yes I do. My wife and I attended both Friday evening and most of all day Saturday. We had a great time. Couldn’t walk 100 feet without bumping into people and friends we know. Had a few beers and danced to some fun Zydeco music. It was fun event.

    3. Define success? There was a festival, people came. It was fun so this equals success? As a business owner and tax payer success to me is the bottom line. What did this cost the city? (We will never know cause he hides overtime pay with city employees) What did this festival make as a profit? If it cost millions, and the city made 40,000 in some buckets, this is far from a success. When Salisbury taxes get raised, again, and more businesses close, what are we left with? The idea would be to encourage growth in the job sector and not min wage jobs. Jobs that people can afford to pay their bills without a supplement of welfare. Then you can build a healty tax base. Then things like folk festivals could be successful. Alot of people are worried who will pay the bill when it is all over. Success in business terms is when a profit is made. There is zero way this folk festival is a profit for the city nor will it ever be. It is a huge burden to the tax payer. Just wait and see.

    4. The number of visitors is slightly biased. The number is not unique visitors, but more like repeat visits by the unknown number of unique visitors. So if one person comes to five events they theoretically could be counted 5 times if they left and came back each time.

  4. I want to see the CRIME statistics during it. Did it go up or down??

  5. 1052-The national folk festival claimed to have drawn 150K people, when it was in Greensboro NC. And that's in the Piedmont Triad, which has a population of 1.6M, much more than the entirety of Delmarva. Do you honestly believe that 120K people attended here in Salisbury MD? It's ludicrous to take the organizers, and the Mayor, at their word that it drew such crowds. Why would people travel to see this festival, assuming out of town visitors would make up the difference? Frankly, none of the performers are that well known to make the trip.

  6. 10:54 according to the Salisbury police officer I spoke to this morning there was only one arrest during the event. I'm glad things stayed safe (certainly thanks to the large police presence).

  7. They claim officially 153,000 attendees, unofficially 208,000. $40,000 is $0.26 per attendee (or $0.19 if 208k people) raised. This money doesn't go to the city, rather to the National Council for the Traditional Arts (NCTA). No permit fees for food trucks/vendors goes to the city, it goes to the NCTA. In fact according to the mayor, no money comes back to the city for this event. The city is a "sponsor". We are paying to put on this event for the NCTA.

    You can't even say, well it brings money back to the city, because any sales tax collected goes to the station, any lodging tax goes to the county.

    I'd love to see an independent review what this event has cost the city!

  8. Keep in mind - they measure attendance by aerial photos *and* by the number of devices that emit a wifi signal identified by the public wifi system.

    So besides all the people working downtown, going to court, etc who aren't there for the festival, you also pick up a lot of traffic from 13 and 50. They claim to filter out passers-by by eliminating all signals that exist for less than 5 minutes. But we all know it takes longer than 5 minutes just to find a parking spot. And nobody is going to the festival just to park and leave. They'd need signals for at least 2 hours to really have a good chance of an accurate count.

    Back to those aerial photos....all those people get double counted because of their phones, too. There's no way possible to avoid this.

    Attendance at NFF is a scam number.

    1. Don’t forget the proximity of section 8 housing where any individual has multiple Obama phones.

    2. What did this even mean? First, residential cell phones wouldn't count. Any device that had been in the area for a month wasn't counted.
      Second, what is an Obama phone? Cell phones were made available to those in need first under President Bush. So, maybe have them after the President that actually started the program to give them out?

  9. I didn't see an increase in traffic or pedestrians as I drove through Salisbury. Just the same amount of idiots driving like a 13yo

  10. I am amused at their "economic impact $$ projections.

    150K attendees brought in $40 Mil?

    There is an 11 day free music festival in PA, that gets 1.2 Mil visitors and has a $60 Mil economic impact.

    Seems like some bogus math going on at SU

  11. Anonymous said...
    The National Folk Festival was a huge success and one of the best events ever to happen in Salisbury.

    September 10, 2019 at 9:14 AM

    If that's your story Jakey Boi, you can stick to it.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Honestly, I don't understand all the hate for this event. It really is a nice thing for Salisbury to have such an event. It's like people want it to fail. Makes no sense... celebrating and wanting to make it look like failure.

    I want last year, I saw decent crowds. I didn't go this year, but it was a nicer weekend and from what I read it had more attendance this year.

    It's akin to people hoping and wishing the Trump fails. I don't get it.

    $40,000 doesn't seem like such a stretch. If 120,000 people attended all weekend, that's one in three people putting a dollar in a bucket. Really, that's not the issue.

    Why all the celebration and hope and wishing for something that could be great for this area to fail? I just don't get it.

    September 10, 2019 at 10:52 AM

    I can't stand soft hearted Libtards like this Douche Bag!

    1. What? What in that comment was politically offensive to you? Talk about snowflakes needing safe spaces...

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don’t understand it either. Well, yes I do. My wife and I attended both Friday evening and most of all day Saturday. We had a great time. Couldn’t walk 100 feet without bumping into people and friends we know. Had a few beers and danced to some fun Zydeco music. It was fun event.

    September 10, 2019 at 12:14 PM

    WTF is "fun Zydeco music??"

    See, that's why you idiots don't get the point of these post by SBYNews, it's a "FOLK FESTIVAL!!" not this ghetto crap that they are playing just to get the ghetto thugs to attend so they can increase the numbers for the attendance. If it's free, ghetto thugs will attend.

    1. So, the bluegrass and western swing bands and Appalachian story telling... That's "ghetto music" too?

  14. Anonymous said...
    I am amused at their "economic impact $$ projections.

    150K attendees brought in $40 Mil?

    There is an 11 day free music festival in PA, that gets 1.2 Mil visitors and has a $60 Mil economic impact.

    Seems like some bogus math going on at SU

    September 10, 2019 at 12:55 PM

    That's because these gullible idiots will believe anything Jake Day spoon feeds them. They are like in a trance when they are around him. Only intelligent people can see through this Socialist moron!

  15. LIES, LIES, AND MORE LIES!! Jake Day do you believe the lies that continue to come out of your mouth??

  16. Was Jake Day's buddy, John Cannon there?

  17. The event had huge attendance, I wouldn’t argue, I was there all three days and Saturday in particular was a monster. Having said that, clearly their attendance formula is still flawed. I would imagine 100k over three days would be a stretch, but I would probably lean more towards the 80k range. Which is fine! Why the exaggeration? Is this something the festival coaches communities to do?

    Economic impact is clearly wrong. Those kind of numbers would only be even close if you had room bookings which I imagine since 90 percent of attendees are local is majorly skewed.

    I enjoyed the festival, really nice, downtown looked ok though street should have been done on Main Street. Why exaggerate? I assume that’s the complaint, just be transparent, on its own it really is the best festival of any type I’ve ever seen Salisbury do. Let that be enough.

  18. I also do not understand why people are so set against it. I went on Saturday and we had a great time. Good food, cold beer, great entertainment and large crowds. Local businesses were very busy, local hotels were full. And the city got some great positive coverage. Win Win.

  19. I just don’t understand this. I was there several hours. I never saw it where it wasn’t overcrowded. Not sure when all these pictures are being taken. I traveled from DC to come to the event. I spent well over $1000 with friends at local restaurants during the event.

  20. I road thru there. I'd call it a success. Alot of people went and had a great time.
    But there is no way in Hell there were anywhere near 150,000 people there. Maybe 60,000 from what I saw.
    There were hotel vacancies here in the county..
    I remember in the 1970's when Dover had NASCAR sellouts twice a year. Hotels were sold out all weekend in Salisbury up to Wilmington, for the 80,000 people for that one day event.

    That attendance posted for the festival is just a flat out lie.

  21. 2:39
    You're full of it. I guess you just happen to run across Joe's blog while you were in Salisbury.

  22. September 10, 2019 at 2:37 PM
    LOL yeah wait until after the election and then jake will tell you what this is costing you because you stupidly think this is for free.

    why do you think he has not released the figures = from last year.

  23. I am a business owner in Salisbury but not downtown. You can say what you want but both The Brick Room and Roadie Joe's both stated they had their biggest weekends ever. I am glad for them especially after last year when most of the business owners were very displeased about being told to load up on food and beverage only to be left holding the bag. It appears this years festival was a complete 180 turn around and I hope many more successes for those businesses, many of which advertise on this page Joe.

  24. Why not call it what it really is. An International cultural festival.
    I did not see Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Arlo Guthrie, The Mommas and Papas, Jackson Browne, or for that matter very few folk events.. I did hear about Chinese dancers, Hispanic dancers, and rap music. That's not a Folk festival. Thats' a cultural festival.

  25. Success is not making 40,000 for something that cost 500,000.

  26. Honestly the festival is quite spread out. There are about 5 or 6 stages. So you don't have a gigantic group at any one place. It was fun and no there weren't ghetto thugs everywhere. Not even at the old school rap group.
    I'm a conservative I can't speak for the numbers $$$ but I do have to honestly say that I enjoyed it like I did last year (in the rain).

    If you have such a strong opinion about how bad it was....why don't you experience it for yourself and try to live a little.

    Then if you want to bash it....be my guest. However, I would imagine that 70% of the people badmouthing the even....didn't go and just want to put down Day. That's really the same thing the democratic media does to President Trump. Let's not stoop to that level please.

  27. 7:12 PM bla bla bla bla bla. Do you have a clue? When you can provide us with the cost of this thing be my guest. We are still waiting..... Join the long line of stupids that think this thing is free. As usual another non=rocket scientist that fails to get the point and continues with their worthless meaningless rants.

    yeah we had fun! but we are too stupid to ask what it is costing us. but we had fun. so don't make fun of lying jake because that's mean... idiot

  28. 712-So, 5 or 6 stages. 50K people a day, according to Jake Day, would work out to roughly, 8,300-10,000 per stage. Was 8-10K people seen at any stage, any day, or at any single performance? Nowhere close.

  29. First they festival didn't start until 6pm on Friday. So that is not even a full day of people. What time did it end on Sunday? If there was 50k people a day, where did they park them all? I know they used the civic center and the parking garage but either both together don't hold thousands of car. I wonder just how many parking places they counted and said they had available for the festival.

  30. @7:12 well one can tell you're lying your ass as off right from the start!! You can't even run out to the convience store anywhere in Salisbury and not run into salisbury's ghetto thug culture. I went by this Trainwreck on Saturday just to see first hand and that's ALL I saw was salisbury's finest examples of "ghetto 'bury style"

  31. What happened to Main Street and all the construction on Rt 13 across from the festival I thought it was all to have been completed before the festival there was a whole year since the last one and still not completed. Nothing along RT13 North abandoned buildings, businesses with their signs blacked out that closed. Businesses that haven't been painted in my lifetime and I'm age 71 still look nasty, grimy and filthy. A tire store on every corner with stacks of smelly old tires out, are these meant for decoration, the only thing we gained was one mural on another closed facility. Really is this all you have done Day & City Council since Day has been Mayor. You all need to go to the Inner Harbor and have selfies for the rest of your worthless lives.

  32. What's really hilarious are the ridiculous reports of visitors to this "merican" culture festival. I think WBOC reported 150,000 now the daily rag has it at 120,000. If there were more than 30,000 there all weekend that's stretching it. And yes I did go by and see for myself this year

  33. @ September 10, 2019 at 1:20 PM

    "I can't stand soft hearted Libtards like this Douche Bag!"

    Couple of things. Your reply as seen above was to me. You don't know me, and in fact I am a Republican Trump voter. I enter into evidence THIS as really what the problem with society is today... divisive and destructive partisanship.

    What part of what I posted lead you to "soft hearted Libtards like this Douche Bag"? Word of advice, you don't win any intellectual arguments with "douche bag". Try forming coherent thought and arguments, that have solid conclusions to prove your case.

    My thoughts, is that the people that want this to fail are simply doing so out of partisanship, and because they don't like the elected leaders. That's it, and in there lies the problem. If it is good for Salisbury, partisanship should not factor in.

    Sounds to me like it was well attended, and that local businesses made out financially. That sounds like a win to me, and will look forward to it next year.

  34. 11:12
    How do you consider it a win? A win for who? Maybe business owners. The fact is the tax payers are paying and someone else is making money.

  35. All I can say it's Wednesday at 12:40 and I'm sitting in the auto shop waiting to get four new tires and a front end alignment all because Jake Day insists on pacifying anything and everything related to liberal social agendas. Fox your damn streets and infastructure dumbass

  36. All I can say it's Wednesday at 12:40 and I'm sitting in the auto shop waiting to get four new tires and a front end alignment all because Jake Day insists on pacifying anything and everything related to liberal social agendas. Fix your damn streets and infastructure dumbass

  37. Your local hotels didn't sell out!! Saturday was the only day that showed any signs of life and it was no where near the numbers I'm hearing 80,000, 120,000, 150,000. Why continue to lie and prove what everyone keeps saying about Jake Day he's a lying deceitful idiot that has NO business being mayor of Salisbury

  38. @ September 11, 2019 at 12:07 PM

    The cost, if what I read were accurate, was just over 1 million for Salisbury. According to what I read, Salisbury broke even on that number. However, local businesses brought in 20 million, according to what I read.

    Now, lets say the numbers are off by half. The city tax payers lost 500 grand. The economy here just brought in 10 million.

    Now, I don't know what kind of math you do, but that's a 20% return on investment. That is an incredible return.

    Look, this event is turning out to be good for the area, and if it gets better every year, expect it to be incredible next year. Go to it, have some fun, listen to some interesting and good music, have a beer and some food. This is the kind of thing that brings people together... not pushes them apart.

  39. If this festival is such a great idea then why is it the city of Salisbury and Jake Day choose to continue to lie and exaggerate about attendance and costs?? Show the taxpayers some credible proof with the cities expenses and how much the local economy truly benefited. All these numbers Day and the city administrator are putting out are lies and guesses. You can call it whatever you like but unfortunately it still doesn't make it true

  40. 3:24
    You are missing the point. The city paid out 500k or a million which ever of tax payer money. The tax payers are left with roads that are crumbling and crime they keep hiding. Sure someone made money but the city did not break even. Would you be ok if the city invested in every business inside city limits no matter the cost? The city has a select few business that they support. They advertise for free for them, they hold events there to get people to come in and buy from them and other businesses are left high and dry. Just another way for the liberals with an agenda to spend money to help their friends make money. The Good Ole boy system is alive and well at the City of Salisbury.

  41. It's absolutely ludicrous for the city of Salisbury and this idiot mayor Jake Day to report that this festival had a 40 million dollar impact on the community. You had one(1) good day of festival goers and to report this kind of blatant lies is unexcusable

  42. What say you fake Day?? Show us some concrete evidence that Salisbury is flourishing with this ridiculous type of entertainment. If it's so damn good "for all" show us some real numbers and proof and shut us up!! Anyone that knows anything about business knows that the garbage you are reporting as attendance and revenues generated are merely fictional and there's no way to prove any of it to be fact. The arrogance and audacity you show in reporting this nonsense is quite disturbing. To see just how easy it is for you to lie and believe it is not a trait one would value in a mayor, or an officer in the military.

    1. It's flourishing under his FAKE STATS.

  43. @5:50 AMEN!! Hell Salisbury has "world famous" crazy Louie's pawn shop operating right in the middle of heroin and alcohol row. They call themselves world famous how did that title originate? Oh I know it's a mere marketing tool like your bogus attendance and revenue numbers


  45. When is Jake's GUETTO fest AKA his brainwashed liberals.

  46. Spend tax payers $$$$$$ for this BULLSHIT but the flooded GUETTO is still the FLOODED GUETTO.

  47. FOIA REQUEST also get one on JAKKE DAYS TAXES ???????

  48. Can someone name all "the great things" Jake Day does for Salisbury?? I keep reading all these "I love Jake" comments about all the great things he does for the City of Salisbury, but no one seems to mention any of the great things he does?? The Salisbury Festival: FAILED
    The Salisbury Police Department: FAILED
    The Salisbury Fire Department: FAILED
    Salisbury Code Compliance: FAILED
    Downtown Salisbury: FAILED
    Waverly Drive: FAILED
    Square at Merritt Mill Apartments: FAILED
    Coventry Square Apartments: FAILED
    Out of control Annexations: FAILED

    Again, can someone please name all the great things Jake Day has done for Salisbury? And feel free to add to this "Failed" list.

  49. From Jake Day's FB page. Looks like he is fanning the flames of hatred towards the County Executive and Wicomico County.

    Ryan Miner
    8 hrs ·
    Thanks again to Salisbury Mayor Jacob Day and Comptroller Franchot’s chief of staff, Len Foxwell, for joining A Miner Detail Podcast yesterday evening to discuss the National Folk Festival.

    Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and Len Foxwell talk National Folk Festival
    Liked by: Jackie Welfonder, Karen Hughes Wells, Dan O'Hare, Suzanne Evans, Rylie Elizabeth Shewbridge, Jacob Day


    Jacob Day said... It was an honor to join you two! Always fun. Call on me anytime!

    Len Foxwell said... Always a pleasure to join The Detail and to catch up with my friend, Jacob Day. Stay on this story, Ryan Miner - much left to answer.

    Ryan Miner
    19 hrs ·
    Tonight will be one of the most important shows in the history of the podcast.

    Join Jacob Day and Len Foxwell to discuss the National Folk Festival, the infamous Bob Culver letter and what’s going on in Salisbury.

    Listen in, live at 9 tonight.

    Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and Len Foxwell talk National Folk Festival - and more
    Liked by: Jacob Day, Travis Sterling, Suzanne Evans, Heinz Weverink, Clayton A Mitchell Sr, Kevin Atticks, David Layfield


    Len Foxwell said... Ryan Miner: Thank you so much for shedding additional light on what happened in those days leading up to the Folk Festival. Tonight is going to be one of those shows that gets rehashed for years to come.
    Liked by: Jacob Day, Clayton Mitchell, Sr

    Valerie Melvin Mann said... Great show! Right on point.
    Liked by: Jacob Day

    Karen Hughes Wells said... It was an awesome show. A real shame Mr. Culver wasn’t available.
    Liked by: Jacob Day, Patrick Donoho


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