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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Photo shows Canadian premier Justin Trudeau wearing 'brownface' at Arabian Nights party

A photograph in a school yearbook where Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau used to teach depicted him in "brownface" during a gala in 2001.

The picture was taken at West Point Grey Academy's Arabian Nights-themed gala and shows a 29-year-old Trudeau wearing a turban and robes. His face, neck, and hands are completely darkened to look Middle Eastern.

Vancouver businessman Michael Adamson, who was a part of the academy's community at the time but did not attend the party, saw the picture in July and said he felt it needed to be made public.



  1. I am constantly amazed that the liberals want to measure behavior from the past by today's standards. Of course they only do that when it fits into their insane agenda.

  2. Not to defend the guy but 10 years ago it was no big deal because everyone had a sense of humor and understood that there is nothing racist about it. unfortunately those days are gone

  3. Who cares if he wore a brown face or a black face ? Are the people of color ashamed of their color?

  4. That poor guy was abused severely by parents and fellow Freemasons during his youth. Proper grooming for a politician who serves the elite global power structure.

  5. He has been asked to resign from Canada but Ralph "BlackFace" Northam, Virginia's Governor just offered him a job in Richmond. Ralph said "Trudeau is my kind of man, he will fit right in with my buddies".

  6. Trudeau is the biggest liberal, crawler, apologist, and crybaby when it comes to liberal issues and stands.

    People of color, get over yourselves. You not THAT important to be forever offended.

  7. Please tell me why this should offend me much less anything else ?

  8. Please tell me why this should offend me much less anyone else ?

  9. It was a COSTUME PARTY. You dress up for them. Not wearing a costume was considered rude and off- putting.

    And, it's NOT racist.

  10. Who cares. Keep letting a vocal minority and a complicit media run things and this is what you get.

  11. What about Dave Chappelle on him doing WHITE FACE ?

    1. I'd put my money on Dave Chappelle having nothing to say about this. His new Netflix special is great and refreshingly non-partisan

    2. And Eddy Murphy .

  12. Anybody remember Jombi?

  13. Northwest Woodsman: This is being made a big deal over nothing. Lighten up,! Sorry some sensitive minority was offended but just deal with it. You don’t have a right not to be offended.

  14. Any publication or news agency that makes big deals over such nonsense should lose their operating licenses.

  15. How come no one talks about Ted Danson and the jet black face he wore? Oh that is why he is a frigging Moron Liberal.

  16. Who really cares it was a COSTUME PARTY please find something worth bitching about people this is the silliest thing ever


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