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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Obama Years In 9 Simple Charts

Thought you might like to see what the years of Obama did to our country. This is from the Feds themselves.

Here is the real story of America's decline right from their own Fed web sites.
A picture is worth a thousand words. It can't be made any simpler than this.
These charts came from the Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis.


  1. Means nothing. We must focus on impeaching Trump.

  2. Money printing is the most important of the charts.
    It proceeded the others by a long shot.
    Since Aug 20, 1971 the Fed has been completely out of control destroying the value of the US Dollar.

    1. There is no money printing chart

  3. Obama was the worst President in history. 5:48 You can't impeach a President without something to impeach in on. The Dems have been wasting our money and trying to find something for 3 years. They need to accept the fact that he is the President and will win another 4 years.

  4. Come on folks

    It isn’t Barry or The Donald who are the problem.

    It is the financiers of the campaigns
    The bankers who print currency

  5. So True 6:47 ! I'd accumulate sand pebbles before Stacks and Piles Of Greenbacks !!!!


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