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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Obama Officials Rush to McCabe’s Defense – Offer to Testify on His Behalf After US Attorney Recommends Pursuing Criminal Charges

Former Obama officials are lining up to defend former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and offered to testify on his behalf if he were to face trial over lying to the feds about leaks to the media.

US Attorney Jessie Liu last week formally recommended pursuing criminal charges against Andrew McCabe.

The potential charges against McCabe are related to his false statements to feds in the FBI’s investigation into Hilary Clinton.

And now crooked Obama officials are lining up to defend McCabe, one of the key coup plotters who tried to oust President Trump from office.


1 comment:

  1. They are the ones running scared, since they may be next when named. Pursue at full throttle. The sooner they are locked up the better.


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