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Saturday, September 28, 2019

NYC bans residents from saying phrases 'go back to your country' and 'illegal alien'

New York City announced it is now illegal for residents of the city to threaten to call U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement on their neighbors, along with a ban on the phrases "go back to your country" and "illegal alien."

"New York City has made it illegal to threaten to call ICE based on a discriminatory motive or to tell someone 'go back to your country.' Hate has no place here," the city said Thursday on its official Twitter account.

The NYC Commission of Human Rights said they were issuing new law enforcement guidelines based on both forms of "discrimination." The guidelines also stated that "derogatory use of the term 'illegal alien,' and discrimination based on limited English proficiency are unlawful discriminatory treatment."



  1. Removing freedom of speech is the first sign your a part of a government that is not free.

  2. 1st. amendment lawsuit coming.

  3. Yet another reason why people will flee New York...

  4. Go back to your country, illegal alien; go back to your country, illegal alien; go back to your country, illegal alien. All together now, 1-2-3, go back to your country, illegal alien. Not gonna stop free speech, EVER!!

  5. What happened to Freedom of Speech? Looks like we are living in a Dictatorship in a Socialist Country.

  6. Go back to your country, illegal alien. Illegal alien, go back to your country. How's that, N.Y. slime balls?

  7. ....never mind. That city is too stupid, socialist, and anti-American to comment on.


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