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Monday, September 23, 2019

NY judge fines landlord $17,000 for threatening to call ICE on tenant

A New York judge fined a landlord $17,000 for threatening to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers on a tenant who was in the country illegally.

Holly Ondaan, 48, lived in Dianna Lysius’ Jamaica, Queens property dating back to 2011, but she stopped paying her rent, according to the Wall Street Journal. Lysius started the eviction process for her tenant in January 2018. Lysius sent a text to Ondaan threatening to call ICE officials, and included a link to an article about ICE officers raiding a 7/11.

New York's Commission on Human Rights filed a complaint against Lysius to an administrative judge. The judge ordered her to pay a $5,000 fine to the city and $12,000 in damages to the tenant on Sept. 12.

Lawyers for the commission suggested this could be the first time where a person was fined for threatening to call immigration officials on someone in the country illegally.



  1. Threatening to call the law on a lawbreaker is now a crime?

  2. our country is upside down!

  3. To be overturned in appeals court......

  4. When did it become illegal to report a crime?

  5. Ya so don't be turning in no local drug dealers, sex pedophiles, or thieves!

  6. See something say something. Totally BS but they say it all the time after the fact.

  7. Only say something if it against a WM Conservative. Commie criminal pigs stealing education, medical, and tax dollars get a pass

  8. See something but don't say anything about Muslims, Blacks, Liberals, LBGTQRST, Democrat liars.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    See something say something. Totally BS but they say it all the time after the fact.

    September 23, 2019 at 4:39 PM

    Yeah, remember under Obama we were called racists or Islamaphobes if we reported something we saw?

  10. Just do it. Dont put it in writing. Dont threaten to do it. Just do it.

  11. Her mistake was telling her. She should have just called ICE without warning her.

  12. take the judge out back and deal with him/her appropriately!


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