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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

North Carolina teacher under investigation after allegedly calling for Pence assassination

A North Carolina high school teacher allegedly told her students that Vice President Mike Pence should be "shot in the head" while Pence was in the state to campaign for Republican Dan Bishop.

The unnamed Cuthbertson High School teacher has been referred to the Secret Service by the Union County Sheriff's Office, according to local Fox 46. The school is in the 9th Congressional District near Charlotte, which Bishop won against Democrat Dan McCready in last week's special election.

"This is the vice president of the United States. He's an elected official,” said Firas Obeid, a parent of two students at the high school, adding he is not a supporter of Pence. "Affiliation to a specific party does not entitle us to make a statement like that to anyone."



  1. Why are left wing loons “teaching”? This person’s comments are inciteful and is seditious.


  2. The comment, as presented in the article above the fold, would seem to indicate the teacher's suspension for saying this about anyone. Beyond that she should be fired if local investigation verified her comment.

    Secret Service & DOJ should investigate, charge, prosecute and incarcerate if found to have made the threat.

    We have come to a point where inflammatory and inciteful speech must be pursued and prosecuted when it crosses the line.

  3. Public schools are nothing less than liberal indoctrination institutions...if possible, get your kids out now before it's too late...

  4. She's an over emotional wreck. Imagine living with that drama bitch.

  5. it's time to close all schools . Everyone has a computer and internet. There is no need for the buildings, busses, lunches, property maintenance .no more fashion shows, brain manipulation, homo- trans education, shootings, high tax associated with the whole concept!

  6. That teacher should be fired and have her teaching certificate revoked permanently.

  7. Democrats are definitely crazy, violent people when they don't get their way. How different the Republicans took it on the chin when that unqualified Muslim took over the White House.


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