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Monday, September 02, 2019

Municipality Inundated with Migrants Faces Tax Crisis as Native Swedes Flee

A Swedish municipality that took in one of the highest numbers of asylum seekers per population faces a crisis as natives move out and decimate the local tax base.

The municipality of Filipstad took in many asylum seekers during the migrant crisis of 2015 and now are facing increasing costs as unemployment among migrants has surged and financial assistance rates have tripled, broadcaster SVT reports.

Claes Hultgren, the local municipal manager, described the situation, saying of the migrant population: “In this group, unemployment and dependency are very high, while education levels are very low. This group runs the risk of ending in an eternal alienation that is already heavily burdening the municipal economy.”

“They are too old maybe and are illiterate, or have a very low educational level. We must then accept that there will be some people who will need the support of society for their livelihood,” Hultgren added.

More here


  1. Northwest Woodsman: The price you pay for being a Marxist liberal failing to foresee the consequences of their efforts to signal their virtue and demonstrate a misguided compassion. Thought they were getting people “ just like us beneath skin color”. Environment, genes, religion and culture for thousands of years create people who are not the same. You screwed up, now live with the consequences. Eventually this realization will dawn on these fools, however, I think it is too late to remedy it.

  2. Sounds like the crap we have going on here. Boot their asses out NOW !!!

  3. Hahahahahahahahahaqhahahahah!

    Stupid libtards in government, they just don't get it.

  4. Perhaps trump can offer native Swedes refugee status and give them and the South African farmers a priority.

  5. HAHAHA. GOOD. ANOTHER elite member country watching their once GREAT HISTORY evaporate!! Germany next. Then France. Then Italy. Then Greece. The so on. AREN'T MUSLIMS WONDERFUL??

  6. In ten years Europe will be ruled by Muslims...

  7. man where is that person that said all the things going on in the news about Sweden were lies. They said it was the best place to live and one of the greatest countries

  8. Nobody saw that coming!

  9. This is the result of inviting terminates into your house. They will devour and destroy all you have worked for.


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