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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Montgomery County’s Climate Change Hypocrites

When it comes to climate change grandstanding, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich and the County Council will concede first place to no one.

Two years ago, the Council passed a resolution designating an “Emergency Climate Mobilization.” According to the Council, theirs was one of the first jurisdictions in the nation to do so. Their “mobilization plan” set the goal of reducing greenhouse-gas emissions by 80% by the year 2027 and by 100% by 2035.

More recently Elrich announced plans to introduce a “Sun Tax” starting in 2022. He wants to require all new single-family houses, and possibly apartments and commercial buildings, to include rooftop solar panels. The mandate would add an extra $12,000 to the cost of each new home constructed in the county. If Elrich’s measure is approved, Montgomery County could be the first major jurisdiction outside California with such a requirement.[i]



  1. It won't happen unless they're too stupid to realize that solar's efficiency tech is about 1% of its potential. By the way, follow the $$ to MC legislators, families and friends.

  2. Why does this surprise anyone. Democrats are all hypocrites and expect the middleclass to pay for everything while at the same time they cannot afford to live and pay bills.

  3. So he drivers a gas guzzler and will require me to put on solar panels. What a Bozo . I wonder how big his house is

  4. Actually the Chevy Suburban is capable of 22 mpg but these bastards aren't worth to drive in one. They should all be on bicycles

  5. 7:42 yes driving 38 mph downhill. I own one, city driving about 13 in real traffic


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