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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Millions of dollars are missing. The sheriff is dead. A small Virginia town wants answers.

FRONT ROYAL, Va. —Before the $21 million allegedly went missing, before the sheriff put his gun in his mouth and fired, before Tuesday’s announcement that the entire top tier of the Warren County government had been indicted, there was the dream.

It was a dream of renewal for this town 70 miles from Washington, which fell on hard times after a rayon manufacturing plant closed in 1989, leaving 1,300 people jobless and 440 acres full of toxic waste.

Twenty-five years later, with the land cleaned up and Front Royal increasingly attractive to tourists and former city dwellers, officials announced plans for a data center and retail complex that would bring 600 jobs and act as a catalyst for other projects.



  1. Money and suicide....

    I smell the Clinton's in this

  2. Maybe if Frosh wasn't wasting the state's money on stupid lawsuits against Trump, he would investigate Salisbury's "finances".

  3. Bingo5:25..whats is frosh doing to protect real taxpayers...NOTHING??

  4. AGAIN. Virginia SUCKS. Must be a theme. The sheriff of Petersburg VA resigned. After she did. They found out that 90 Thousand dollars was missing from the evidence locker. AGAIN. Virginia SUCKS. The people SUCK. The work SUCKS. What do you expect from a spineless people who watch their HISTORY be erased.


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