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Monday, September 30, 2019

Mel Brooks: Political Correctness is Stupid and Killing Comedy

Editor's note: This is an article from 2017 but still holds true today.

There’s a lot of things that have changed since a little thing called “political correctness” pervaded our culture. What you can wear, what you can eat, what you can celebrate… even the history that we teach in school has been influenced by the culture of political correctness.

But it’s also hampering another aspect of life important to society: laughter. Or to be more specific, the comedy which drives that laughter.

Such is the observation of one of society’s foremost comedians, Mel Brooks.

In an interview with the BBC, Brooks called the PC culture a “stupid” element sounding the death knell of comedy. Reporting on the interview, The Telegraph declared:


1 comment:

  1. Comedy has become very political.
    I can't stand watching late night comedians like Cobert or Jimmy Kimmel or that Jerk Alec Baldwin.

    They aren't funny, and their comments and jokes are below the belt.

    They are hateful and mean to Trump supporters.

    They have become talking points for the far left Democrats and any opposing viewpoints are no longer allowed. Conservative guests are not allowed, but if you are a Clinton, they will give you all time time you need!

    Civil war is coming, it's just a matter of time!


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