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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Meet and Greet Mayoral Candidate Wayne King



  2. Jake Day's rabid racist and divisive supporter, James Yamakawa is using the Daily Rag's FB page to promote his hatred of white people again. Shame on the Daily Times for allowing this garbage on their page. Shame on Faith Lutheran Church for allowing this racist garbage at their church, AGAIN!! This has happened multiple times at that church. I know for a fact that he has tried to get other churches to feel guilt and host one of his hate sessions. I still have his post. Shame on Jake Day for not distancing himself from this racist person. Speaks volumes as to the type of person Jake Day is. Of course, some of Jake Day's rabid, racist supporters like Dan O'Hare and Ben Rayne are on there attacking anyone with vulgarity and hatred who questions this post. James Yamakawa isn't even from Salisbury and he comes here spreading his hatred and is welcomed by Jake Day with open arms. I'm Sick Of It!!

    James Yamakawa‎ to Salisbury, Md. locals
    Conversation Starter · 5 hrs ·

    It’s Complicated tackles White Supremacy and Racial Terror Lynchings

    Saturday, October 12th
    2 p.m.
    Faith Lutheran Church
    1416 Old Ocean City Road
    Salisbury, MD

    In between the end of the Cvil War and 1933, three African American men were lynched by white mobs in Wicomico County, MD. #GarfieldKing in 1898, and #MatthewWilliams and #Unknown in December of 1931.

    They were just a few of the 29+ statewide victims of what the Equal Justice Initiative has termed "Racial Terror Lynchings", of which nationally the number reaches into the several thousands. These crimes are considered so heinous not only because of the sheer brutality and inhumanity involved, but also for the fact that they were intended to not only to inflict violence on the victim, but to terrorize entire communities into silence and complicity. The psychological (sometimes physical scars) of these acts of community sanctioned violence remain to this day. And echoes of this era can be seen in today's criminal justice system, with the presumption of guilt for young black men, and capital punishment by the states.

    The momentum inspired by the opening of the The National Memorial for Peace and Justice In Mongomery, AL in 2018 continued with the start of the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project, locally with the Wicomico Truth and Reconciliation Initiative, and the subsequent passage of Maryland HB 307, establishing the nation's first statewide Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

    The time is right for the conversation to happen, and for the truth to be told.

  3. Does anyone know who the girl is that runs The Shady Sun Tanning Co. downtown? She goes by Raven Madd on her fake FB page and attacks Wayne King all the time. Her boyfriend is Maurice Shearer and he is also a Jake Day lover attacking Mr. King all the time. Her first name is Amanda. It's time to start calling these rabid people out!

  4. Anon 2:29 PM is that the same church on Old Ocean City Road that puts out the gay rainbow flag all the time?

  5. Anonymous said...
    And Julia and ,...

    September 25, 2019 at 1:48 PM

    I agree. Only an idiot would have hired Julia Glanz as the cities highest-ranking position. Do you realize she was hired right out of college with absolutely no work experience and she is running a multimillion-dollar business? Do you now realize why Salisbury is a failing $hithole?

    Typical Democrat corruption!

  6. Does Raven MADD get free downtown rent under the city’s incentive program?

  7. Anonymous said...
    Does Raven MADD get free downtown rent under the city’s incentive program?

    September 25, 2019 at 8:49 PM

    And free WiFi

  8. Hey James Yamakawa, Dan O'Hare and Jake Day, need I remind you that your little hero Matthew Williams is a murderer, not a victim. He murdered his boss, Daniel J. Elliot. Mr. Elliot was kind enough to give Matthew Williams a damn job and he murdered his boss. "Williams was accused of gunning down his employer of 11 years, Daniel J. Elliot, in a dispute over his wages, according to Maryland historical records." Murderers are NOT victims. Matthew Williams was a racist black man just like you 3 clowns are for trying to divide the races in Wicomico County. James Yamakawa is NOT and Eastern Shoreman and he came here and has created so much controversy in this city. Jake Day needs to disavow his relationship with James Yamakawa and Dan O'Hare. Think about that before you vote for him!

    While you three racist clowns keep making Matthew Williams out to be the victim you neglect to think about what you are doing to the descendents of Daniel J. Elliot. The pain and suffering you are causing the Elliot family, you should be ashamed of yourselves. This Murder happened 88 years ago so it's time to move on.

    We don't need come here's destroying our city and county like James Yamakawa has done. Shame on you Jake Day and Dan O'Hare!

  9. I am 60 years old and I have never in my life seen a "white supremacist" and James Yamakawa, Dan O'Hare and Jake Day suffer from serious mental illnesses.

  10. Hey Wayne and Joe, I saw Jake Day Tweeting about being at a Summit in Washington DC on Monday Sept. 23, 2019 with his buddy, failed candidate for Congress Jesse Colvin. Jesse Colvin is the Socialist that ran against Andy Harris and LOST.

    The summit was put on by the National League of Cities called "Community Change Maker Summit." From what I saw there was hardly anyone in attendance. Apparently this is a failed organization that Jesse Colvin works for called Service Year Alliance. It sounds stupid and makes no sense.

    Read about it here:


    You should do an FOIA on how many trips that Jake Day has taken and how many conferences Jake Day has attended nad how much it cost the taxpayers.

  11. Yes, please do an FOIA on how much Jake goes to these conferences and how much it costs us the taxpayers?? Thank you.

  12. I'm surprised Jake Day hasn't gotten his own "Mayor's car" yet.


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