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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Maryland Wear And Carry Permit Application Process Goes Online Beginning October 1, 2019

(PIKESVILLE, MD) – As part of our ongoing efforts to improve customer service, the Maryland State Police is proud to announce that the application process for a Maryland Wear and Carry Permit will be transitioned from a hand-written paper application to the online Licensing Portal.

Beginning Oct. 1, 2019, those applying for a Maryland Wear and Carry Permit will complete and submit the application online. Individuals will be able to apply online using a computer, tablet or mobile phone, regardless of the operating system. All current web browsers are also supported by the Licensing Portal.

Paper Wear and Carry Permit applications postmarked or hand delivered on or before Sept. 30, 2019, will be accepted and will be processed as per current procedures. Paper Wear and Carry applications submitted on or after Oct. 1, 2019 will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant with instructions to submit the Wear and Carry Permit application via the Licensing Portal.

Little has changed in the questions and documentation requirements to complete the application process. Applicants will continue to provide the same information currently required on the paper Wear and Carry Permit application. All required documentation, including the passport-sized photograph and Livescan fingerprint receipt, can easily be uploaded by the applicant prior to submission of the application.

Applicants will be required to have a valid email account. This will give the applicant the ability to see the most current status of their application and allow the Maryland State Police Licensing Division to send notifications, follow-up and reminder correspondence. Applicants who already have a Licensing Portal account will not be required to create a new account. These applicants will use their current 77R Portal account login credentials to continue logging into the Licensing Portal.

In addition to designing, documenting and testing the online application process, Maryland State Police Licensing Division personnel have been busy conducting training in the new process. Seminars for firearm dealers and instructors have been conducted throughout the state.

The goal of the automated Wear and Carry Permit application process is to increase the ease and efficiency of applying for a Wear and Carry Permit in Maryland. The online system will offer a new level of transparency and keep the applicant informed at every step of the process. The Maryland State Police Licensing Division staff is continuing their efforts to promptly investigate and approve those eligible for a wear and carry permit, while ensuring those prohibited by law are not approved.

Further information is available by clicking on “Licensing Division,” on the Maryland State Police website at mdsp.maryland.gov.


  1. And when Hogan gets ousted the incoming Dem will already have a gun confiscation list.

  2. And the result will be the same for any law abiding citizen......DENIED!!!!

  3. They already had one since everything but a BB gun has to be registered.

  4. 2:44 Do you honestly think they don't have a confiscation list now, since all your paperwork when you purchase a firearm is sent to MSP and ATF for you to get approved. How do you think they can trace a weapon used in a crime?

    1. Who cares! Government wants them then turn them in. I don’t see a big deal.

    2. you are correct

      any gun purchased goes into a data file.....anytime in your life

      they know what you have

      they will be there to take em

  5. 7:47 not the guns I have bought at Flea Markets and Yard Sales!

  6. 10;14 well since you were dumb enough to post on the internet about your purchases you're screwed! lmao!

  7. If you have enough MSP close friends, they'll help you get a permit. I know this, as I personally know several people that have obtained their permits without any "reasonable" cause, but they had to have political, or MSP backing. Otherwise, someone has to be chasing you with a gun before they'll even consider issuing a permit. Maryland's day in SCOTUS is coming. And it will be decided just like the DC case. Maryland joined the DC case when it was first filed, but dropped out when they realized that the court was going to rule against them. They just delayed the inevitable. What Maryland is doing is taking a constitutional right and making it a privilege of the elite and politically connected. And SCOTUS is going to tell them that when it gets to court. Maryland has been very careful to keep what they are doing from being heard by SCOTUS. Maryland KNOWS it is unconstitutional, but like all liberal states, they do not agree with the constitution.

  8. Hogan will sell this list to the anti-gunners for a bundle! Just like the slim he is. He is just like Zuckerberg selling Facebook info to the terrorist!

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Can someone please tell me what a Wear And Carry permit is. Sounds like a ridiculous and unnecessary government intrusion to me. From the comments, it appears to be regarding some sort of concealed carry permit. I certainly hope that, in my lifetime, a national reciprocal carry law is passed. I’m afraid it will require another civil war and restructuring by non Marxist democrats to see that come to fruition.

  10. why would someone need a license to exercise a constitutional right?
    does the press need one to spread their lies? Do I need one to vote? again it's about control and the elites will keep telling you all the more reason they should be exempt from being controlled! the rest of you, not so much!
    keep voting democrat!

  11. Never keep all your eggs in one basket

  12. I Recommend building ur OWN and not handing in SHIT.

  13. So now we can apply online and get denied. Saves them the paperwork of denying you in writing.


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