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Sunday, September 01, 2019

Maryland museum considers removing Confederate flag from logo

A Frederick County, Maryland, museum is considering removing the Confederate flag from its logo. But first, it wants to know what you think.

The National Museum of Civil War Medicine has launched an effort to rebrand itself, and it is asking the public to fill out a short online survey.

Several survey questions deal with the museum’s logo, which includes a Confederate flag and a 34-star Union flag.



  1. The Confederate Flag is America's greatest participation trophy

  2. More politically correct stupidity!

    The banner tells what they are about - which includes both sides of the conflict.

    Ignore history and prepare to repeat it!

    The dumbocrats are already partially there by espousing minority-only organizations that segregate and isolate!

    1. We are getting ready to repeat history 11:16, but this time it won't be blue against gray. It will be blue against red, and the blues are afraid of guns. Need I say more

  3. This is total BS. Maryland SUCKS

  4. If there was a war, there has to be two sides. Isn't it likely there's a Japanese or Nazi flag displayed in WWII museums? Wouldn't a Revolutionary War museum have a British flag? Idiots!

  5. Hell "NO" Don't remove it. Part of history

  6. More PC foolishness. Leave it as it is to reflect history.

  7. Let's get the CIVIL WAR started already.

  8. I don't think you wanted to know whati think... But I'm going to tell you... How come we can't havea flash of AMERICAN HISTORY because a group of people that can't even beAmericans they have to be African Americans, they use decision and racism as a way not to pay their own consequences and the flag doesn't stand for racism islit stands fora group of Americans that stupid up for their beliefs and rights. You wanna know whati think they should burn the black power flag the black panthers, and all the other non sense before they attack and destroy my history!

  9. Remove it,that way it never happened.

  10. Also close the museum and it never happened

  11. If this is a flag of Slavery, well than so is our state flag! Maryland was a Slave state and kept slaves well after the war was over! All under this flag! It is time we removed this slave banner from all of the state, we need to do this since it reminds me of our awful slave owning past!

    Just as stupid as painting rainbows on crosswalks!

  12. The Confederate Flag is our history, removing it will not erase a real history that happened, our own flesh and blood white & black fought side by side on both sides against each other. Wars have taught us things we need to remember, the bad and the good they cause us to unite when they end, heal and mend bodies, hearts and souls. It is was not the end of all wars and we need to reflect that these things have happened all the way through the bible and are still happening today. We need to unite what has happened since 2016 has caused more racial divide than the Civil War because we let those that stir the pot get all the voice. Stand together all races and all Americans or we may loose it all, flags & monuments are not the answer. Put God and our country living in peace is the answer.

  13. I think if they start removing our history and its symbols we should all collectively have the emblem tattooed on us so everywhere you go in Maryland you see the symbol.

  14. DO NOT REMOVE THAT FLAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Remove that flag from your logo and I hope you go out of business.

    Much of the medicine displays are Confederate so maybe you should give them back to their rightful owners.

  16. I think it's time to start whooping some Socialist a$$es every time they cry and start wanting to remove our Battle Flag from our history. A good a$$ whooping is what these freaking cowards need.

  17. James Yamakawa must have been harassing them and calling them White Supremacists.

  18. Civil war Medicine. What is the civil war if you dont represent the Confederate side? You have the Union Army flag and has that been a question as to whether to remove it? If that answer is No then there inlays your problem. There was 2 sides to that war. You can't remove one without removing the other. but go ahead and re-write your history. Its already been happening, and you want to be part of it. Other wise it wouldnt even be a question! Shut that shop down! You support fake history!

  19. Maryland was "The" Slave state. The Annapolis Harbor is where they came in. Then taken to auction and sold to the highest bidder. One of which was black himself. He was not only black but one of the biggest slave owners that ever existed! That history has also been suppressed. How many teach that?

  20. 5:40 PM - Back then it was commerce, and all commerce has those who approach it who will take all available advantage to secure its favors for themselves.

  21. I too think the Civil War Museum should remove the Civil War flag from its logo
    Yes I am insane


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