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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Manufacturing a Smear – How the Democrat-Media Complex Turned Brett Kavanaugh into a ‘Rapist’

The day he was sworn in as an associate justice of the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh made history as the first justice to hire an all-female staff of law clerks. This was in keeping with his record of hiring more women than men and of sending more women to clerk on the Supreme Court than any other judge in the country during his 12-year tenure on the federal bench.

The women who clerked for him – including those who identify as liberals—describe him as “a lifelong mentor who feels an enduring responsibility for each of his clerks,” “an extraordinarily thoughtful man, who goes out of his way to be kind” and whose “hiring and support of women alone has helped to really diversify the range of Supreme Court clerks.”

So how did a man who is a proven ally of women, who is universally praised by female colleagues and has never had any complaints lodged against him over his decades-long career, come to be labeled a “rapist,” and those who voted to confirm him to the Supreme Court as “rape enablers”?



  1. ...spoiler alert: they let him be who he is

  2. Brett is no more a sex predator than any of the democrat Kennedy's were.

  3. Clinton got his jollies placing a cigar where it should never be lol. While inside the White House I must add. I guess if I was married to the Hillabeast I would be deviant as well.

  4. Damn, this Kavanaugh cat according to them got all kinds of a$$.


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