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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Malkin to Trump: ‘Shut Down’ Federal Reserve Remittance Program for Illegal Aliens

Columnist Michelle Malkin is calling on President Trump to “shut down” a Federal Reserve program that profits off remittances sent to foreign countries by illegal aliens.

During an interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Malkin detailed how the Federal Reserve actually aids illegal aliens living in the United States through a federal remittance program, included in her latest book, Open Borders, Inc: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?

“I was working on a section in Chapter One which is on the caravan cartel called ‘Banking on Illegals’ and I’d reported on this all the way back from the late 1990s on Bank of America and Wells Fargo and private institutions that were profiting,” Malkin said. “And in the middle of that research, I discovered the Federal Reserve, itself, was trying to hone in on this segment of the market with its own program to have a remittance program that is specifically marketed to illegal aliens in America.”


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