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Monday, September 23, 2019

Lots of Emails Tonight About Comcast Outage

One of the biggest news stories of year and all wboc has to say is piedmont had to cancel some flights.
Oh really??!
The amount of commerce lost today because of Comcast’s ineptness has got to be incalculable.


The entire day Comcast Internet has been out of service...
Comcast keeps extending in service time start.


What has happened to our TV that went dead at about 10 AM on Monday? 


  1. Is comcast going to give a break to their customers who lost 12 hours or more of service on the bill alone?

  2. Comcrap SUCKS!! Where is their Plan B if something like this happens?

    1. A few hours without the internet and you fall apart hahaha did you write a farewell letter

  3. Why isn't there competition for cable and internet services in our area?

  4. Wow I wouldn't call that Comcast's error. That truck DESTROYED those lines.

  5. I think Comcast fudged the numbers. Way more than 200. Half the town was affected.

  6. I guess I don't see how it is Comcast's fault that someone destroyed their utility lines. Am I missing something here???

  7. comcast is a real pos company. always upping charges, service sucks, never helpful, kept tying verison up in court when trying to install fios, where is the competition we were promised oh so many years ago? the government told us they took care of the problem! just like everything else they promise! lies! pure lies!

  8. Was more like the ineptness of a driver you butt obviously don’t know what you are talking about

  9. Unfortunately with the shortage of experienced truck drivers today this happens pretty frequently now. Think they had a log truck turn over on nanticoke road too!?!?

  10. A truck took out a fiber trunk shouldn’t it be the drivers ineptness

  11. No mention on WBOC this morning that I saw and I specifically was watching to find out if service was restored.

  12. WBOC-if it did not happen in Delaware they do not care.

    1. Loved when they said it only affected 200 customers.

  13. We are becoming a 3rd world country after 8 years of Obama policies. I pray President Trump can pull us out of this nose dive.

  14. Truck driving doesn’t pay this is what you get

  15. There are 2 parties that share culpability here: the driver, or whoever left the lift up and Comcast.
    Just about every company has some sort of a backup plan in place for when communications go down. But, why didn't Comcast have a work-around??? Why didn't Comcast have a backup?
    In the last 12 hours, I was hearing about the fiber optic cable that the local nonprofit Maryland Broadband installed (BURIED) several years ago that was supposed to help thousands on the eastern shore. That's how local politicians sold it to get funding.
    So, why didn't Comcast use that?? No truck could take that down! I'm not complaining...just want to prevent it from happening again.
    We pay dearly for high-speed internet, our local government has a franchise contract with them, as well. Someone in charge needs to hold someone at Comcast accountable for this ineptitude or disregard (ignorance and apathy....i don't know and I don't care!)

    1. Fair point but Comcast’s main hub is just down the road from the accident not sure how you have a backup run to feed all those areas affected . It’s just one of those things that happen in life

    2. Underground as stated before 9:41

    3. That’s up to the city or country with the Paleo channel right there I doubt they would permit it... I bet that fiber has been there for 30 years and hit once

  16. Why are they being so secretive about the truck that apparently took out the lines? The news never mentioned one thing about the truck causing this. They kept saying they didn;t know the original cause.

  17. 3:36 only if you threaten to leave!!!!

  18. 3:37 that is becasue Comcast and media-com have rights to this area... Like a monopoly, just like how Delmarva power worked for 10 to 30 years... They had it set so only they could provide power for a certain amount of years...

  19. This was nothing compared to what would happen in an EMP event.

    1. Exactly, our whole power grid could be shut down so easily. We should have never let the internet have this much control of day to day commerce

  20. I agree with those effected for soooo long that there should be a reduction on our bills for the month of September.

    1. So you pay for service 24/7 per month ... most people were out of service for about 10 hours... how much would that end up being a few bucks

    2. Lots of money when multiplied by thousands of customers

  21. 9:09 am has a great point, there are 2 parties at fault. Bury that damn wires already ! Also what 8:58 am said, Why are that major news sources not saying much about this, their reporting is sorry at best. This was a big deal, especially when so many businesses were down - no phones, no internet, no credit card processing, etc for most of the day. Same sh*t stories up days in a row, new stories posted While it was happening! but nothing about this until the next morning. Just sad !!!

  22. 9:09 There are backups all over the place but you cannot expect a company to have two trunk lines running through two separate areas and expect them to have to do that through every town and highway. Hell you would have to run completely seperate Poles.

    This also goes for the comment that says we need other cable companies out here as well. While I agree with that those companies would still be sharing the same poles and same lines.

    Bottom line is you can have all kinds of redundant systems but rarely is anything "Stupid Proof". Someone left the lift arm up and that is the sole reason for this and Comcast had nothing to do with that. The fact that they got that tangled mess of fiber lines repaired in less than a day is actually impressive.

    Blaming this on Comcast is like blaming Boonies for that Truck that drove through their wall. I guess they should have had a backup plan to have a garage door that opens automatically in case some jackass wants to crash into the building or maybe they should have just had a spare building as a backup in case the first one burns down.

    Yes I know its apples and oranges but the one thing that they have in common is someone crashed a vehicle into both business' property and neither business should be held accountable for that.

    Comcast has a ton of issue and deserve the ire of their customers but saying that they share even part of the blame for this is a really big stretch.

  23. 9:37
    It was more than just the internet. Businesses lost their phone lines, they lost the ability to be able to process credit or debit cards. Even the airport had to cancel flights. Fiber optic lines aren't like the other regular cable lines. You can't just splice them together. An entire line had to be run and that takes time. The question I have is why was this line above ground.

    1. Fiber optics can be spliced together 10:25

  24. I remember when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor knocking out the internet for most of the country and launching America into the war. All though the attack killed a lot of people many more died from lack of internet syndrome and many more from the effects after the war. A harrowing experience in American history.

  25. 11:27
    HaHa very funny...Almost as funny as turning paying customers away because you couldn't process their credit cards.

    Hilarious it was to watch gas stations and other businesses put up signs only cash was accepted.

    Even funnier going to the ATM to get cash to find out they were down.

    I just can't stop laughing. Bet the peeps with cancelled flights are barrel rolling with laughter too.

    1. Should’ve had redundancy at these locations like most businesses

  26. It's my understanding that the truck hit the lines because he was trying to avoid a head on accident with another vehicle going the wrong way.

  27. So much for hitting 99.999% service level. It affected local government as well. I would love to see FIOS or Verizon broadband finally get here!!

  28. @12:42 was that the drivers story?? From the looks of it the crane wasn't properly secured and left upright.

  29. Just wait until your socialist liberals get done ten hours without Comcast, internet etc will seem like a walk in the park

  30. Now that everyone has vented on Comcast, does anyone feel stupid for blaming them for the pole that was knocked down and broke the cable? Certainly should.

  31. You all are a bunch of cry babies. It wasn't Comcast fault, it was the accident. Maybe if you call your mommy, she can calm you down.


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