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Monday, September 30, 2019

Jake Tapper accuses Jim Jordan of spreading 'wild allegations' against Hunter Biden

CNN anchor Jake Tapper accused GOP Rep. Jim Jordan of spreading "wild allegations" against Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, during Sunday morning's edition of State of the Union.

Hunter Biden's work for the energy company Burisma has garnered renewed scrutiny after it was revealed that President Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to look into the former vice president and his son during a phone call in July. The transcript of the call, which was released last week, confirmed a whistleblower complaint about the conversation.

"He gets hired by a company in an industry he has no experience in, and oh, that’s fine, and all you folks in the press and Democrats, oh, no problem here? Try taking that message to the American people," Jordan said. "And when they see the vice president’s son getting paid $50,000 a month in a field and industry he has no experience in, I wonder what Hunter Biden did in those board meetings?"



  1. $50,000? I thought it was $82,000. Did he give a lot away to charity??

  2. Tapper might want to read the big article in the Wapo that detailed the criminal activities of Biden.

  3. Trumps own people have came out to say the Bidem story is fake news

  4. 10:53 PM, BS, just plain BS

  5. 534, doofus, look at the words of Tom Bossert to start. Jokes on you buddy


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