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Sunday, September 15, 2019

It's Time to Re-Segregate College Sports?

Sports writer and commentator Jemele Hill has long been more interested in peddling leftist race bait than, you know, commenting on sports. For years and in multiple instances, Hill has made controversial remarks mixing race and politics with sports. But because Hill is black, people like Joe Biden say she can’t be racist.

Nevertheless, writing her first article for The Atlantic, Hill argues for segregation at the nation’s colleges and universities.

It’s Time for Black Athletes to Leave White Colleges,” reads her title. She argues this re-segregation should happen because “black athletes have attracted money and attention to the predominantly white universities that showcase them.” Instead, she says, they should redirect their talents to historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

She’s not entirely wrong about some of the disparity among blacks and whites, or about how colleges rake in major profits from unpaid athletes. And in one sense her argument is thoroughly American — she advocates for the underdog to prevail against the giant.



  1. Please segregate sports, tv shows, schools, etc, etc

  2. Good idea let's resegregate everything starting with our Public schools

  3. She should count her ethnic blessings.
    Remember when Jimmy the Greek got black balled for stating the obvious ? He said plantation era slavery and selective breeding created the modern black athlete like any other domesticated farm animal bred for profit. Sure it was politically incorrect but he was a head of his time.

  4. OMG yes, listen to her, yes this should be done, like years ago.

  5. It works both ways, they benefit by going to these schools as well. How many black kids who can barely spell their own names are going to some of the most prestigious colleges in the country, often on a full scholarship for the the simple fact that they are stellar athletes?


  6. She's not bright enough to connect the dots.

    Desegregation has opened the doors in each field of endeavor for blacks with the appropriate skills to forge ahead. And it's why no-talents like her ever got within a country mile of a microphone, TV camera, or leftist magazine.

    The HBCUs would be more competitive athletically but they'd still only be competing amongst themselves. The roster spots in the rest of the colleges would be filled by people of pallor. UMES and Del State would not be in the Final Four or Rose Bowl.

    Suffice to say she's a jerk and denser than a collapsed star.

  7. Yes! Then I can start watching Football again!

  8. After she got EVERYTHING free in her life. Now she did it ALL by herself and wants to go back. Fine with me. Let's go all the way. Not just sports. Schools. Bathrooms. Neighborhood. Etc. I'm ready for some clean, moral, and safe living AGAIN.

  9. Well Jemele Hill pretty much sums it up; stupid is as stupid does and you can't fix stupid. Talk about reaching the Peter Principle and what a disgrace to the likes of MLK who paid the ultimate price for desegregation.

  10. Am I a racist for agreeing with her? As a white male with 2 white children I would love to not have to pay for private school. I would love to send my kids to a public school but, I am not willing to allow my children to be taught in a moral vacuum with super predators in training.

    So heck yeah. Segregate. Today!!!!

    This dummy has no idea how fortunate she is or what got her there. Hint it was white America. Look at her job. How many blacks read The Atlantic? How many blacks READ the news? Her job depends on white America.

  11. I think her point is being misrepresented, and she is not calling for racial segregation. I think it's very telling, the content of the reply's here. It's 2019 for Christ's sake.

    Her point is that these black students are lured to the predominantly white colleges for sports, not for academics. They are NOT payed or compensated for playing, nor can they take endorsements. This rakes in hordes of money for these institutions. So called "black colleges" could really benefit from this sort of attention, better benefiting the communities these athletes come from, and offering more opportunity.

    It's not about racism. That's the rub. It's about socio-economics. It's about have's vs have not's.

  12. I think "the content is very telling" too 9:31. We are fed up with dumbing down of education standards, crime, affirmative action, etc. Integration of the educational institutions was a mistake

  13. @ September 11, 2019 at 9:53 AM

    So, what's your solution? Specifically. What would you do to fix the problems you are upset about?

    1. Segregation is my solution. No white parent wants their kids exposed to what is happening in out of control class rooms today. Wasn't it last year in wicomico county that a black boy raped a white girl in a stairwell

  14. Northwest Woodsman: The “disparity” that concerns me is the crime and violence associated with that demographic. Would be a great experiment to see what improvements in general quality of life will occur if this were implemented. If successful, maybe it could eventually lead to other facets of our society.

  15. @ September 11, 2019 at 11:53 AM "The Woodsman"

    Crime and violence has always been a symptom of poverty mixed with less than ample opportunity. It is not a black or white thing, and it is a condition of every society in all times thing.

    This is more socioeconomic and class driven than it is race driven. Desegregation allowed those blacks with means to leave their sequestered areas for better living... leaving festering pockets of poverty. Inject a welfare system, and it becomes a never ending cycle. This is why it appears to be a race problem, rather than socioeconomic. Those trapped in these areas have very little chance of getting out, it's as if the system is rigged against them.

    Severely restrict these welfare programs, give businesses incentive to open in these areas to create jobs and opportunity, and I wager, that these areas will start to heal.

  16. Northwest Woodsman: Sorry 2:06 pm but you have consumed too much of the affirmative action indoctrination. If you were to do some significant research into the involvement in violent crimes and in particular, gun violence, you would find that environment plays an insignificant role in the mind set of those who commit those crimes. It has not only been reflected in statistical evidence from the federal government’s own research, but my personal experience that blacks commit significantly more crimes than any other race. At least 85 to 90% of criminal cases I investigated for Clark County, NV involved blacks. The federal government (FBI) even tries to reduce the apparent disparity by including Hispanic crime with those of whites so that it doesn’t look quite as bad for blacks. You will find major cities like Baltimore that are almost completely run by blacks and they are a total disaster. For forty to fifty years, they have been given every opportunity to become productive citizens and for the most part they have failed. I have significant experience in these issues from a career in the military and a follow on career in both federal and local law enforcement. Don’t try to hand me the lack of opportunity and racism excuses as it will not work. Try reading “The Color of Crime”. It may enlighten you but probably won’t change your mind.

  17. @ September 11, 2019 at 10:45 PM "The Woodsman"

    Pray tell, what areas were those folks from? Were they affluent areas wealthy areas? Or were they from crushing poverty areas that happen to line right up with pre-desegregation areas?

    You assertion only proves the point, I'm afraid.

    Someones "blackness" doesn't cause them to be criminals or violent... unless and please correct me, that is the argument you are making. If that is the case, please to support this assertion.

    10.5% of Clark County NV is Black or African American (source Wikipedia) Roughly 10.8% of Clark County NV live below the federal poverty line. Using the Race and Ethnicity map from this Wikipedia source you will find that almost all of the black population is in the North Vegas area, which also coincides with being in the "below the poverty line" Map.

    I have to say, your anecdotal testimony seems to support the argument I am making once the facts are taken into consideration.

  18. I see her point but what she fails to understand is that 90% of those in attendance of lets say football are White. The bottom line is if the athlete wants to make it playing on Sundays they have to play in the powerhouse of major colleges. Sorry I have attended some of those Black College sporting events and as a White person I will never do it again. The sad fact is the NFL does not sign many Black schools. Also just why are there Black colleges in the first place. That is blatant discrimination. All colleges should be open to anyone who can meet the criteria academically. You cant have your cake and it to.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    She's not bright enough to connect the dots.

    Desegregation has opened the doors in each field of endeavor for blacks with the appropriate skills to forge ahead. And it's why no-talents like her ever got within a country mile of a microphone, TV camera, or leftist magazine.

    The HBCUs would be more competitive athletically but they'd still only be competing amongst themselves. The roster spots in the rest of the colleges would be filled by people of pallor. UMES and Del State would not be in the Final Four or Rose Bowl.

    Suffice to say she's a jerk and denser than a collapsed star.

    September 10, 2019 at 10:07 PM

    ----Excellent answer 10:07 pm, spot on !

  20. Anonymous said...
    I think her point is being misrepresented, and she is not calling for racial segregation. I think it's very telling, the content of the reply's here. It's 2019 for Christ's sake.

    Her point is that these black students are lured to the predominantly white colleges for sports, not for academics. They are NOT payed or compensated for playing, nor can they take endorsements. This rakes in hordes of money for these institutions. So called "black colleges" could really benefit from this sort of attention, better benefiting the communities these athletes come from, and offering more opportunity.

    It's not about racism. That's the rub. It's about socio-economics. It's about have's vs have not's.

    September 11, 2019 at 9:31 AM

    Were you drinking when you typed this? Or you just didn't read the article? Not racial? “It’s Time for Black Athletes to Leave White Colleges,” reads her title. Which part of that don't you understand? All of it?

    They are NOT payed or compensated for playing, nor can they take endorsements. They may not be "PAID" in a traditional sense, but they have an opportunity to get a quality education BECAUSE they are athletes. If they did not have talent, do you really think most of them would be acceptable to those colleges based on their academics? You said that yourself.

    I think it's very telling, the content of the reply's here. It's 2019 for Christ's sake.

    I did not read each comment here but reading yours, it's very telling about you. And why do you feel the need to use the Lord's name in vain in an attempt to make a point? Which you failed to do anyway.

    Has anyone wondered if any black colleges even invited them to their school? Maybe they have higher standards.

    Oh, and besides from being places of higher learning, they are also a business. And just like any other business, they need capital (money for some of you) to function. Have we forgotten the recent college scandals already?

  21. What if you are mixed? Are you not allowed to play?
    Personally I think EVERYONE should abandon these worthless schools and the student debt machine that crooked banks have lobbied to make sure you can never get out from under.


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