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Friday, September 27, 2019

It's Back, Thursday $5.00 Hamburger At Caribbean Joe's

Throughout the "off season" Caribbean Joe's is bringing back the $5.00 hamburger. There's no tricks, you don't have to sit or eat at the bar. Always juicy, always fresh ground beef. Served on a sweet Hawaiian role, it's absolutely delicious.  


  1. Joe why tease us with that write up and picture? Today is Friday not Thursday $5 burger day.

  2. My boys love your burgers Joe - see ya next Thursday!

  3. Let you make it a $6.00 burger all other days?

  4. So glad you serve regular French Fries instead of those spiced up piles of crap! If I wanted a Arby ripoff I'd go there!

  5. 11:31
    HA! Jokes on your. I don't have boys!


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