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Monday, September 16, 2019

Hudson: The Party of Slavery Is Now the Party of Reparations

The Democrat Party is the party of slavery. Thanks to the Democrats’ cartoonish clown car of presidential candidates, the party of slavery is now the party of reparations for slavery.

This stampede of opportunistic dilettantes — conducting self-promotion campaigns posing as presidential bids — have all endorsed Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) resolution, H.R. 40, calling for a commission to “study and develop reparation proposals for African-Americans” and a national apology from the government “for the perpetration of gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity on African slaves and their descendants.”

Rep. Lee is not an idiot. Perhaps a quarter century in Washington has convinced her that you are. Why spend millions to fund a Congressional commission to study what we already know to be true? The Democrat Party is the party of slavery.

But don’t take my word for it.

“There is no doubt that the Democrat Party is the party of the Confederacy, historically, that the Democrat Party’s flag is the Confederate flag,” former Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) told author Angela McGlown. “It was our party’s flag. That Jefferson Davis was a Democrat; that Stonewall Jackson strongly identified with the Democrat Party; that secessionists in the South saw themselves as Democrats and were Democrats; that so much of the Democrat Party’s history, since it is our nation’s oldest political party, has its roots in slavery.”

More here


  1. It was also the party of and aided in the formation of the Klu Klux Klan.


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