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Monday, September 30, 2019

House Democrats Resist a Win for American Workers

“President Trump and the leaders of Canada and Mexico announced the most significant trade deal in a generation a year ago this week. The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement is unambiguously a win for America. It would create new jobs, expand export markets, strengthen protections for workers, and generate billions of dollars in new prosperity,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) write in The Wall Street Journal.

“The U.S. Senate stands ready, willing and eager to pass it. There’s only one obstacle, which has been on full display in the last several days: House Democrats have been more interested in picking fights with the White House than clinching bipartisan victories for America. Under pressure from progressives to deny the country any successes during the Trump administration, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tried to run out the clock on the USMCA,” they write.

“If Mrs. Pelosi and House Democrats tank this trade deal because they don’t like the occupant of the White House, ‘Trump derangement syndrome’ will no longer be some Beltway curiosity. It will have drained potential prosperity from all 50 states and killed a huge number of American jobs.”

Click here to read more.

In The Federalist, Sean Davis reports that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to conveniently eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing. The new version of the form, which was not made public until after the complaint about President Trump’s phone call with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was made public, “allows employees to file whistleblower complaints even if they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence” and only heard about alleged wrongdoing from others.

Last week’s House “Intelligence” Committee hearing “quickly devolved into another comical farce when Rep. Adam B. Schiff, California Democrat and ‘intelligence’ chairman, kicked off the hearing by setting aside the just-released transcript of the telephone call between Mr. Trump and the president of Ukraine. He chose instead to read an entirely made up, fraudulent and fabricated transcript of a call that never occurred,” Charles Hurt writes in The Washington Times.

One of the most important online communities of Trump supporters is effectively being destroyed, conservative social media star Carpe Donktum writes in Human Events. What was once a vibrant digital meeting place on Reddit, known as “The_Donald,” is being “quarantined” by the site’s administrators. “Reddit’s strategy is transparent. It has established a template that other social media companies can model to effectively silence conservatives. This strategy slowly turns down the volume on conservative users and platforms instead of banning them outright. By breaking their censorship into varied opaque components, it becomes more difficult to pinpoint, challenging to prove, and nearly impossible to oppose.”


  1. Expect them to kill the agreemen t.

  2. Democrats hate the American people

    1. I used to be a democrat, they turned against me and the country. Proud Pro-American republican since 2015

  3. Democrats are anti-American. They hate Trump and conservatives and will do anything (or nothing) to destroy both. The truth they are trying to distract from is that conservative policies work and their socialist liberal policies do not. They know what they are doing. They are destroying our country and the lives of its citizens, all because of their love for power and money. Remember when you go to vote who is on your side and who is not.

  4. If the Democrats give a thumbs down on this it will just be another nail in the 2020 coffin for them. It will become so obvious that nothing Trump does is satisfactory so again thumbing their nose to America and all voters.


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