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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Goodwin: Trump the real winner as Biden again proves he’s not cut out to be nominee

And the winner is … Donald Trump.

The Democrats’ third presidential debate was a long-winded, platitude-filled disaster where no single candidate could claim a clear victory. Instead, the seven men and three women took turns displaying why they are all probably unelectable.

Start with Joe Biden’s incoherence. The nominal front-runner, the former vice president had a 40-year reputation for never shutting up. Now he can’t manage to finish a sentence without interrupting himself.

Nearly all his efforts to make a point were swamped by a sudden change of direction mid-sentence, and then another change a few words later as a random thought popped into his head and out his mouth. None of his rivals needed to interrupt him — he did it to himself.



  1. Sleepy Joe AKA "Bite me"... What a clown and a joke...

  2. He has to be the nominee, the icing on s**t cake that the Dems have made their party.


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