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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Five things about that double–GOP congressional blowout in North Carolina

In the swing state of North Carolina, it was happy-dance time for the beleaguered Republicans. Two hotly contested congressional races both went solidly into the GOP camp, helping the Republicans in the crazies-run House. State senator Dan Bishop won in the 9th District, and Greg Murphy won in the 3rd District, and both will now get the opportunity to tell Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that they are out to lunch. It was a conservative blowout.

Five things stick out about it now.

First, straightforward conservatism, President Trump's stellar economy, and not being crazy all count for something.

Dan Bishop's campaign website highlights a blunt, straight conservative agenda, with rule of law at the border, support for the Second Amendment, and saying "yes" to life right there in the top row in red for his agenda. It's as blunt as it gets. The second and third rows resonate with a majority of voters, too, such as voter ID, low taxes, defense of freedom of faith, supporting the troops, and strong defense rounding it out. Pure conservatism with zero namby-pambyism — and sure enough, Bishop won.



  1. Even better than that was the coup the Republican house pulled yesterday to override Gov Coopers budget veto to the Dems consternation. It was awesome, the vote caught them unaware and most not even in attendance. They are howling like little babies.

  2. Not according to WaPo. They barely squeaked by and Trump is in trouble because of the results.

    1. You actually believe what you read from that RAG?? WOW!! HILLARY CLINTON WON. YOU BELIEVE THAT?? LMAO

  3. yeah we all know that Wapo is like CNN...neither of them are honest. They had Hillary Clinton won to. Look how that worked out for them. LOL


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