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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Father Absence Is the Biggest Issue Facing Black America


  1. Yes

    definitely agree

    Democrats have kept most black men in slavery ....

    pulling Watermelons on farms , EBT cards, Welfare, and prison

  2. Candace is correct. It is not cute the way black women have NO control over themselves. They are so disgusting and gross that they will spread their smelly legs for any thug criminal that will hump them. Then like the stupid hoes they are when the kid grows up to be a thug and gets murdered they carry on like it's some kind of surprise or something. Everyone else has figured out the problem why not these gross black hoes can't figure it out. Animals are more civilized and make better choices in life then these disgusting gross black hoes. And I don't apologize It's about time they are told how despicable and how gross they are making all those illegitimate babies with multiple baby daddies. No morals whatsoever in black race for over 100 yrs now. There is no one to raise them properly.

  3. How's that any different from the last 40 years?

  4. No father = no discipline and no role model for manhood. Men can be good, but they need examples, even if the examples are flawed. No parents are perfect, but they're needed.

  5. The problem is most black women have no problem making babies with thugs. And not just one but multiple babi3es with multiple baby daddies. it is not cute It is disgusting how they have no control over themselves and could care less so they make babies with thugs. So not good examples for fathers anyway.

  6. All that's true. But I also see the most beautiful white girls running with dredlock thugs. The girl is driving and the thug is slouch down in the passenger side with about as much energy as a dead slug. I think the girls have some sexual fantasy about getting it from a thug.

  7. The person trolling definitely didn’t have a father growing up and now hates the world. Sad.

  8. Still blaming their problems on others. Keep your damn legs closed and learn to accept responsibility for your own DAMN actions. They do not want claim that a father is in the house because they will not get welfare or as much welfare. Plus there are way more black men living in houses with black women on welfare and the woman does not report it. It's what the thugs want. That way they spend their money of silver teeth, clown wheels for their clown cars, a stolen pistol to carry to act gangsta for their friends, liquor, weed, etc. But this biatch is blaming it on the government as to why they have so many problems. They bring it on themselves. It's their culture yet we are to blame.


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