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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Even More H2O Idiots!


  1. Dear Readers,

    If you are unaware, Sen. Carozza and representatives from Ocean City attempted to upgrade the current special event zone legislation this past March, and were turned down as others deemed the next steps, 'too restrictive'. To those with concerns, I suggest that you email Sen. Carozza and link or embed any clips you may find, either here on Salisbury news, youtube, or elsewhere. In that way, Sen. Carozza can directly forward/email your concerns to those who felt they know best about how to manage this event.

    Kind Regards,


    Email address for Sen, Carozza - mbcarozza428@marybethcarozza.emailnb.com

  2. Those lights under his car are ILLEGAL.

  3. It's very obvious that the tall, nerdy kid in the black shorts forgot that he wasn't on the internet when he bad-mouthed the guy in the car that eventually nailed him.

  4. The patriotic Dinosaur was the best part. Completes the spectical with some surrealist Irony.

  5. Where are the police when you need them ???

  6. I've been coming to this town for more than 40 years, as a kid, teenager, college guy, and now a resident.
    This crowd - this weekend - is BY FAR the rowdiest, most law-breaking group I've ever seen in this town, and I've seen them all.
    This crowd makes the Junebugs gang look like Mr. Rodgers' neighborhood.
    I don't have the answer, but it is more than obvious that SOMETHING needs to be done!
    Temporary road bumps? A new "Special Event Zone" rule that requires the confiscation of the car for unsafe driving? A checkpoint (like a DUI checkpoint) to check cars for correct equipment?
    BTW: Look for Winefest to petition the town to move or cancel the Winefest weekend. Traffic is so bad that people cannot attend.
    It took me 25 minutes to drive my neighbor 7 blocks to work today, and that was at noon!

    1. Stay away from ocean crimes.

    2. 7 blocks? why don't you walk??

  7. 3:55
    They are there. OCPD and MSP and I think I saw vehicles from the Worcester County Sheriff's office as well. There are just so many idiots about the time they get one off the road there are 10 others doing stupid things. They are also "blocking" the police. If someone does a burn out in the road and they see the police coming.....they will intentionally get in the road to block them. I saw a video of a scooter doing a burn out going in the wrong direction. Cop was making a U-turn to come after him and the scooter almost ran head on with the police and then escaped through a parking garage. It really was a mad house down there last night. Tonight is probably going to be worse.

  8. @3:59. Glad you were such a gem during your 40 years of going to the beach. No being mischievous, no underage drinking. Nope not you, Mr. Wonderful. You say it took you 25 minutes to drive 7 blocks to get your neighbor to work. How long does it take in June? Ever think of walking or leaving town for a couple of days? Nerd.

  9. @1:28. Those lights are ILLEGAL!! Give it a rest. What did you do when you were young, live in your mom's basement? Probably still do and come out 1 weekend a year to complain.

    1. The point is ...he wants to be a ASSHOLE then we coos will ENFORCE IT.)

    2. Tick tock law breaker, you play you $$$$

  10. Punks will be punks....nothing but trash talking neither big enough or bad enough to throw a punch! BABIES only....

  11. The Jeep event and Bike week is OK though. Who cares about vehicle culture. When's walker and wheel chair week ?

  12. Maybe part of the problem is nobody respects the law anymore and why should they. After all if it's okay to be in the country illegally and if laws are no longer enforced and if police can violate our rights what makes anyone think people will obey the law. Folks things are only going to get worse.

  13. I'm tired of sounding like a broken record. You don't see things like this happen on OC New Jersey. You want to call yourself a "family oriented" destination. Then look and see how OC NJ does it. This would NEVER happen there. And I've been going to both OC's for my entire 63 years of life. You couldn't pay me enough money to set foot in OC MD this weekend.

  14. who cares! OC residents deserve this abuse, they voted for it with the idiots they put in power! business owners love the money and the residents pay for it! lmao!

  15. I'm gonna send this to Tosh! I love the end!

  16. @4:45
    "....Glad you were such a gem during your 40 years of going to the beach. No being mischievous, no underage drinking. Nope not you, Mr. Wonderful. You say it took you 25 minutes to drive 7 blocks to get your neighbor to work. How long does it take in June? Ever think of walking or leaving town for a couple of days? Nerd..."

    You could not be more wrong.
    I drank, partied, broke many laws, even participated in a couple pretty cool small riots on 9th Street.
    My neighbor is 67 years old. Usually takes a cab. How is it in June? Maybe 5 extra minutes.
    This is WAY different (and it is NOT because I'm older, I hope!) than the past.
    I'll make a deal with you:
    Listen to the reports and complaints that will most assuredly be going to City Hall, then tell me I'm wrong.
    I love this town - love the conventions - ALL of them - but this unsanctioned, social media happening is just a little too far over the top.
    Nerd? Maybe "old"... Far from "nerd", though.

    1. So you drank, broke laws, and participated in "small" riots in OC when you were young but you would have not participated in anything like this out of respect for the city and it's residents? Sounds like to me you would have been right in the middle of it when you were young, just like I would have been. I'm 62, been there, done that. I may no longer agree with it but I do get it.

  17. Omg please stop copying and pasting your post on every single thread multiple times. Yeesh

  18. I just wish I could see the video. Every time I click on it I get "number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded." Am I doing something wrong?

  19. Placing blame on any law enforcement official is ridiculous! All agencies banded together and did the best they could. Legally, you cannot keep these cars out of town. To blame the Chief, Sheriff, or any law enforcent personnel is asinine. OCPD, WCSO, MSP, NRP, and other agencies had the town saturated. With something this huge, I think they did a great job!
    REMEMBER....the Sheriffs dept. Patrols ALL of Worcester County! They did have officers in OC and were doing a great job keeping the rest of the county safe...these kids and their cars were EVERYWHERE..not just in the town limits of OC!!! I saw numerous WCSO vehicles in other parts of the county...in full force...ensuring everyone was safe! Shame on any of you that didn't think they did a great job!!! These kids and their cars were coming regardless and law enforcement was prepared and did a great job given the scope of this non-sanctioned event!
    The people of Worcester County elected the right Sheriff!! Sheriff Crisafulli is doing an outstanding job! He is personally out and about in the communities talking to citizens, hearing their concerns and doing something about them! Keep up the good work!

  20. 10:48
    It is working ok for me. Try this link instead. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iDAj053Vi6N-pmr_Q5-CskhmZ5fznCCE/view?usp=sharing

  21. Yes please, tired of seeing the same post over and over and over

  22. TO all loud mouth do nothings.

    When someone jumps out of a car and comes at you. LAY THEM OUT! Right then.

    Nothing pisses me off more than to watch capable men act like women. If you want to fight than fight. But, you all look like little babies throwing a group tantrum.

    SMH, an entire generation with no discipline, principles or manners. Just idiots.

  23. September 30, 2019 at 2:55 PM:

    My, aren't you all macho when you're anonymous. Nothing pisses me off more than a braggart hiding behind an anonymous comment. You're just like them. All mouth, no action.


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