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Sunday, September 01, 2019

East Wicomico Community Seeks New Library

PARSONSBURG – Residents on the east side of Wicomico County came out in droves to a town hall meeting last week to support the construction of a new library.

On Wednesday evening, Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver held his second monthly town hall meeting at the Parsonsburg Fire Department.

“I need your help telling me what’s important to you,” Culver said.

In addition to sharing their concerns regarding fire and EMS services and drainage, attendees this week also voiced their support for a larger library on the east side of Wicomico County.

The Pittsville library – currently located on school property off of Old Ocean City Road – is one of three branches of the Wicomico Public Libraries system and the only one to be based in a portable trailer.

Area resident Tonya Laird Lewis told Culver and his staff that space at the library was limited and could not accommodate the growing number of east side residents who utilize the library’s resources on a daily basis.



  1. How many people are in a drove?

    1. 500 at least. It was amazing. You should have come. Even had parking for you.

  2. How many Kindels will fit in a library?

  3. We on the west side of the county have been waiting for a washed out road to be repaired for over three years now.
    Hey Bob fix the road

    1. It doesn’t need fixing. Few people are adversely affected.

  4. I never see more than 3 cars at the Pittsville Library. Is Ms. Lewis in the book or construction business? Libraries cost money and money comes from the taxpayers. I'm taxed enough!

  5. Actually that library gets quite a bit of use. People do not often stay long, due to the space and parking. Many books are "reserved" through the system, then picked up.
    What got me was the comment: Pittsville Police Chief Robert Harris said he didn’t question the need for a new library, but cautioned the executive as he moved forward.

    “I’m not a fan of taking business property that is lucrative and functional off the tax rolls,” he said. “That’s a bad deal.”
    I guess he hasn't noticed how much property SU has taken off of the tax rolls.


  7. 2:13
    SU and the hospital. If the city/town is not getting taxes from a property they will be forced to raise taxes on others.

  8. They say "we aren't raising taxes" but push for higher tax assessments. They get their higher tax assessments approved and extra tax money but say "we didn't raise taxes"

  9. Library access is used as a measuring tool for the health and fitness of towns and counties. The better the access, the higher the score. It's the same for schools; the better the schools, the higher the score.

  10. Amen to 1:18 / The library at Pittsville school is lucky if there are 3 cars up there. I drive by it daily. stop wasting taxpayers money.

    1. I raised my son in Salisbury but we often went to that library because they had a great astronomy program, with people sharing their telescopes to show the stars and planets.

  11. Free local Wi-Fi is a better investment.

  12. Pittsville doesn’t have clean drinking water and you want a new library?

  13. Our water is just fine now. Things broke and then got fixed. Yes we have our own officer. Jealous or are upset that you might get caught again?

  14. Tony Lewis barely got appointed as a Board of Education member because no one wanted her and now she is running her mouth like she is some important leader in the County.

    Here is a news tip for Ms. Lewis. If you plan on running for your next seat in the next election you might want to decide if you are a conservative or a liberal because you are acting like a liberal and I guarantee you that you won't get elected in your District.

  15. The county and city would have more money if they spent it more wisely they never heard of watch the pennies and the dollars will follow. There is so much waste in this city and county and it has not been put to roads, clean up, repairs before they are beyond hope. Like the latest commercial where the guy catches a huge goldfish real gold ---they think it will fall into their laps. Sell off equipment not used, apply for grants and use them for NEEDS NOT WANTS. Culver needs to take a good hard look at the expenditures while he has been in office as well.

  16. Clean-up is needed. The City needs to clean up the trash at Riverside boat ramp.Put off there this morning around 7.30 am and both trash cans were over full with debris on the ground.Entrance sign needs some work too.I imagine the folk fest is top priority now as the infrastructure continues to crumble.


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