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Thursday, September 05, 2019

Brit Hume Gets Honest on Joe Biden: Senility is Overtaking Biden, I Think it Is


  1. Joe Biden is so qualified for sure, why just yesterday he was talking about climate and blew out his eye. He screws up everything he says and is older than the Dinosaur named Ginsburg! Yes just what you want for a leader, he can lean on his IV stand and walker to take his oath.

  2. The good news is Biden is leading the liberal pack; what does that say? America is not ready for Spartacus, wacko Bernie, Sweet Pete, the dragon lady Kamala, or Pocahantas. 2020 should be a cake walk for Trump but he needs to learn to button his lip now and then.

  3. Unfortunately, I think this opens the door for Elizabeth (but job) Warren as the democratic candidate.

  4. Just think back to the "3:00 am phone call" Hillary refured too,
    Now it's Pres. Joe, they go in to wake him and he has to be diapered burped and put in his wheelchair to come to the phone! He hears the bad news and Blows out both Eyes!


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