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Monday, September 09, 2019

Bokhari: If Democrats Cared About the Environment, They’d Talk About China

Banning plastic straws. Carbon taxes. Stopping people from eating meat. Stopping people from having babies.

Am I just seeing things? Or are all the “climate crisis solutions” proposed by the Democrats designed to cause maximum pain to ordinary people, and almost none to wealthy elites?

Progressives almost seem to take joy in inconveniencing the masses for no reason. Take the plastic straw ban, for example. Even National Geographic — hardly an anti-environmentalist publication — admits that plastic straws comprise just 0.025 percent of the plastic in the oceans.



  1. Its not massively inconvenient is it though? It's simply a change and if there's anything conservatives hate more than Clintons it's change. So, so sorry you have to change your lifestyle to preserve the Earth's ecology. Articles like this are classic boomer logic - deflect and point the finger at someone else.

    1. One day someone younger than you will probably ban man-buns, tattoos, and cell phones. We’ll see how happy you are about that you liberal moron.

    2. You sound like a boob. Competent aptitude perhaps, but still a boob. Yes, like liberals, we conservatives sometimes name call. Hope you have a great week stranger.

  2. Frankly, I'm tired of experiencing Carbon Guilt for the contribution of the 0.000000000001% that I can rightfully claim is mine.

  3. The dumbocrats don't give a rats ass about the environment or the climate, but they do want to have more control over you and your money.

    Anyone who buys into this climate change crap is a wanting fool!

  4. 5;40 needs to get out more, what do baby boomers have to do with CHINAs massive pollution contributions!!! NOTHING!!reading comprehension escapes him, and as expected a typical demoturd loser reaction....deflection.which is in no way a boomer attribute, thats your generations snowflake so suck it up without a straw

  5. If the liberal would shut up, a lot of the hot air would go away

  6. Stop it ! Serve Me Any Beverage With Only Ice and Liquid !! Gezzz...What's The Big Deal !????...


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