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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bodycam Video Shows Scene From Police Shootout in Baltimore, Maryland


  1. Got to be a better way to earn a living.

  2. Looks like a fun place to go. My next vacation is to Baltimore, Maryland.

  3. Lol They air conditioned this clowns body with bullets.

  4. Her poor baby just b.c he trying to support his 10 kids.kill that sob! Another product of Baltimore!

  5. "Charm City"
    How charming.

  6. I wonder how many more bullets they can shot at a dead guy???? I heard well over 20 or 30 shots... Every squelch you heard, was a gun shot the body camera recorded...

  7. This is why law enforcement officers deserve to be respected, because of this crap right here. God Bless the Blue!

  8. This should play on the Maryland Tourism site! Come to Baltimore and prove you are tough enough to last a week!
    This could be a whole new TV show on survival.

  9. When the officer was asking for his shotgun was he armed at all? This is such dangerous place. I pray for our police.As a child I lived in Baltimore County and it was thought that the city was dangerous then but it was nothing like this.

  10. A 30 round magazine in Md.?

  11. @September 17, 2019 at 4:49 PM. What the hell do you care? The piece of garbage was shooting at them and they need to stop him as soon as possible. Blow his scum azz away.

  12. Thugs vs Slugs ... some things will never change in Baltimore. The Police are out numbered. They just need to start shooting until it's an all out bloodshed. Sad but true. Once a nice city ... very sad.


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