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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bikini Bike Wash Girls Ready To Polish Your Chrome


  1. I need someone to buff my pipes.

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  2. It's hard to believe that in the 21st century, people still do this sexist,mygonistic stuff. To use women like this to promote a business. It's even harder to believe there are women out there with no self respect that would willingly participate. Shame on you!!

    1. Not like the girls are being held against their will forced to do this. They look good and have the confidence to do it, let them... why are you projecting your sexualized image on these women? Just because youre 1 swiss roll away from being diabetic and look like 300lbs of chewed bubble gum in a swim suit doesnt mean other girls have to be shamed because they look good and arent having green peace trying to put them back in the water when they go to the beach, you miserable mouth breathing, acne ridden hump backed whale. Go back to eating your twinkie and leave these beautiful girls alone.

  3. 2:56-I agree,and it keeps getting harder.

  4. I'd like to have been the one that put that tat on her. Sweet.

  5. Anonymous said...
    It's hard to believe that in the 21st century, people still do this sexist,mygonistic stuff. To use women like this to promote a business. It's even harder to believe there are women out there with no self respect that would willingly participate. Shame on you!!

    September 14, 2019 at 2:56 PM

    Awwww... Some Liberal Cupcake has to use terminology learned by the Hildabeast. WTF is "Mygonistic" anyway. Did you mean Mysoginistic? Go find your safe space now, Libtard!

  6. Hey 2:56 pm, GO AWAY!!

  7. I love her gut tattoo

  8. Great for Business !!!! Bring them on !!!!


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