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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Berlin Indefinitely Closes Park Over Spill Cleanup Costs

BERLIN – Town officials agreed to close Heron Park indefinitely rather than spend $55,000 more on cleanup costs.

At Monday’s meeting of the Berlin Town Council, officials voted 3-1, with Councilman Dean Burrell opposed and Councilman Troy Purnell absent, to close the park. Though the cleanup of the chemical spill that occurred at the property has been completed, debris from the remaining buildings at the former poultry processing plant still needs to be removed.

“It seems like there’s a lot of obstacles there that could cause some harm,” Councilman Zack Tyndall said.

According to Mayor Gee Williams, roughly $75,000 in demolition work had been completed at the park when June’s chemical spill occurred. Since then, the town has spent $260,578 on spill cleanup and Williams expects final costs to reach $283,000. Nevertheless, he asked the council Monday to consider spending an additional $55,000 with Goody Hill Groundworks to have the various piles of debris and dilapidated small buildings on the site removed. He said the town had gotten pricing from Goody Hill because the company had a good history of working with the town.



  1. How do you all love your tax increases there in Berlin?? all becasue of this piece of shit property they tried to turn into a park, against the peoples will, and then spends hundreds of thousands to demo buildings not bothering a damn sole, to what??? Put you more in debt so they can what???? Raise taxes on you... Do you see the god damn pattern yet you obtuse morons???? Now they want to use the crap like safety to get at your heart stings to waste even more money... If it was a hazard and concern, why didn't they call it that years ago when they bought the property???? It is their last ditch effort to spend more money they said they don't have and that was why they had to raise your taxes, remember??? When are you people going to get tired of being a money slave???? Being used??? I don't get it... I don't understand why you love being broke, and having your money stolen from you... Guess what, you will have a tax increase next year too, so good luck with that you dumb ass morons... You get what you deserve, but god damn you deserve far more bullshit to happen to you moronic asses... Maybe then you will learn, or care but my guess is you are to god damn stupid to understand anything so don't hold your breath...

    I am starting to think the govt is right, you people are to stupid and they do need to be in every facet of your life becasue you are to stupid to make rationale decisions... I am starting to think that you are so damn stupid, that if you didn't have someone standing beside you, telling you when to breathe you would stop breathing and die...

  2. This is just the beginning for this worthless contaminated property.will be over a million in cleanup before done.purnell is laughing all the way to the bank!

  3. I love how this property was sold to the town by a town councilman. Bunch of idiots running Berlin. And a bigger bunch of idiots voting these people in.

  4. gkow in the dark night just in time for halloween

  5. Time for a revenue cap in Berlin!

  6. aii government jobs should be put out on bid

  7. politicians doing what they do best screwing the tax payers, i`m glad i don`t live in berlin.


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