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Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ben Carson defends comments about transgender people and slams press for 'blatant mischaracterizations'

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is defending himself after coming under fire for remarks he made about transgender people, calling the media reports on his comments "blatant mischaracterizations."

In an agencywide email late Friday afternoon, Carson admitted he expressed concern about "big, hairy men" trying to use women's restrooms but added that his comments were taken out of context.

"During a recent meeting with local staff in San Francisco, I made reference to the fact that I had heard from many women’s groups about the difficulty they were having with women’s shelters because sometimes men would claim to be women," he wrote. "This made many of the women feel unsafe, and one of the groups described a situation to me in which ‘big hairy men’ would come in and have to be accepted into the women’s shelter even though it made the women in the facility very uncomfortable."

He continued, "My point was that we have to permit policies that take into consideration the rights of everybody, including those women."



  1. Good for Ben Carson. I would rather pee in the street than go into a public bathroom that allows 'shims'. At least you are not isolated with a shim in a no escape route, if needed.

  2. The bigger point is it was in San Francisco...moon bat capital of the world. All of this protest is so much fertilizer (which liberals refer to as BS); these are women's shelters for crying out loud were many of the "residents" are fleeing abusive situations. The country needs to get a grip on all of this transgender fertilizer. If these "people" are so demented thinking they are something they are biologically not, they don't belong in a shelter, they belong in a place like Bellvue.

  3. I liked gays back in the day when they weren't all in your face...


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