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Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Barr and DOJ drafted legislation to speed up death penalty for mass shooters

The Justice Department drafted legislation to speed up the death penalty for mass shooters, according to Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short, who said the vice president is coordinating with Attorney General William Barr.

Short, who made this revelation while talking to reporters on Air Force Two on a Labor Day flight to Europe, said the vice president’s office has been working with the attorney’s general’s team on the issue.

The proposal to expedite capital punishment for those found guilty of mass murder would be a part of the White House’s eventual legislative package proposal to Congress when lawmakers return from their August recess to debate gun laws in the wake of a number of recent mass shootings.



  1. Need to have Death Penalty for anyone who doesn't handle Secret and Top Secret emails, letters, and any other material without regard to its safety!

    Hillary Hint Hint !

  2. This is the people control that should be instituted instead of removing the guns from innocent hands!

  3. Any news agency who reports the mass killer’s name should pay a substantial fine also!!!

  4. Does this mean in number, 4-7-10-15-20-100, or what they want to label as mass shooting? This would eliminate gangs and drug dealers in large Cities such as Baltimore, Chicago, New York and others.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Try the guilty bas#@$ds and hang them on the nearest tree by the court house.

  6. NO send these mass killers to Liberal Politicians homes to live forever!


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